
Tesla has made inroads on the cable thickness front by doing liquid-cooled cables at newer superchargers. Much easier to handle in my experience.

Let’s not forget that home charging is a thing for electric cars, and where most of those EVs get their charging done. And which standard the EV you own adheres to is of little consequence, since it is your home, and you will buy/install/get whatever you need to plug in there. So if company A creates it’s own


To your point about the safety of current race car cells, there will always be pesky laws of physics and freak accidents:

It’s just torque. If you want to attach some dead weight to the wheel and take a nap, it’s your funeral!


Absolutely. Rest your hand at the bottom of the wheel, and am pretty sure the car would be happy with that, as it would sense resistance every time it make a small correction.

Wherever it is, it is dry and has traffic. Pretty sure my assumption is close. But that is all it is: an assumption. :)

In bumber to bumper traffic, I can go miles before the car complains about my lack of interest in the steering wheel. It is not on a timer, but based on conditions, speed, quality of lane markings, etc.

Agreed. I saw the Bolt prototype in question (with LIDAR on the roof) two weeks ago on the 101 in San Francisco. I did not take a picture, since I live in the Stone Age and figured I should pay attention to the road.

Awesome work.

Ah, the near luxury sedan! The perfect car for the upper-lower-middle class!

How about the current add by some non-iPhone maker telling us that we are all ugly, and the only way we are ever going to score is by staying in the dark? “People are more attractive in the dark”

Ride-sharers. They don’t care to own cars anymore.

Per the specs page:

The music made me smile.

That explains the Bolt prototype with two spinning LIDAR thingies on the roof I saw today on the 101 in San Francisco.