
The ribbon release is the best feature.

Couldn’t another NATO country take over the A-10 program and play this CAS role in conflicts with multiple allies working together?

What’s with the “Prosperity” hat?

Everybody keeps building headlines around a price increase, and have been for a while.

If you look at Tesla’s quote:

I agree, but watching the video, those seems to be pretty decent waves, and the platform looked to be moving around quite a bit. Did they just luck into touching down at the exact right moment, instead of when the barge is moving upward?

Is the platform adjusting itself to the rolling seas to offer a flat, predictable attitude to the rocket coming in?

Are they accounting for the waves? What if they came in as the ship was on the rise? Were they lucky that they hit the deck at just the right time?

Best part was the “Ford — Go further” ad.

Can’t go there without providing data from well-to-wheels studies. Nothing leads me to doubt that even with 100% power generation from coal, a Tesla has lower emissions overall. But am too lazy to actually research this on a Sunday, so please ignore my comment!

Yup. Ever heard of RIM?

Haha! Close! Am from Quebec, Canada originally. Just up the road from Vermont.

A star for the comment about the guns. I thought it was just me...


Exactly. I now drive an S. Am an enthusiast, row your own gears, drift in the snow kind of guy. But I also am a bit of a tree hugger.

Nothing about the biggest thing we learned? Supercharging! This is definitely the car’s killer feature.

Am thinking that pedestrian safety and bumper height regulations are a factor here.

You are right, this is clearly my first car, as evidenced by your comment, not anything that I would know myself.

Jason: just noticed yesterday that the flat-grey one with the CF wheels has straight door handles, not the J-shaped ones of the other two.

Yes, they do.