
I can relate to your “Best” part. Although, there was nothing flat about the torque curve of my ‘09 and ’14. But that was part of the giggle-like-an-idiot-inducing fun!

I will not answer your concerns, or pretend I can live in your shoes.

Best car: Tesla Model S. I picked it up in September, and it has reset my expectations of a car. Deal.

The problem is that you can’t see the disaster and show it on TV.

I am, but only read him once a year...

You know machine translation sucks right? Or did I have my sarcasm switch off?

Cosmic Bunuel

You make a lot of sense... But it still looks like melted Jabba.

Sure. But how about that green crap?

Was this just ripped off?

What in the name of all that is holly...

I am Canadian, and I approve this message. (yours, not his.)

They probably will. And still get funded by oil companies, that knew they were wrong all along.

The most impressive stat is that zero.

I understand now. Just look at it! That font (actually, those fonts), that shade, these lights. Love it.

So, can I come out now? The real Bourne is back? Did I miss anything?

Yo Raph:

Dumber than a bag of hammers...

In the A-3 video at 0:23, dude running at a moving plane. Balls or forced to do a dangerous job that has been deprecated / deleted by attrition?