
2009 Subaru WRX265

You forgot to tell them to turn their smartphone camera sideways...

Might Tesla make its way back on Top Gear now that it will be different? Sound like they want to take the show in a new direction.

Finally, someone provides some good information to help understand the reaction of passers-by. Thanks NatR!

Disagree: one human seeing another in danger should somehow react. I may not understand the cultural aspect of it.

Love how the pedestrians just go back to crossing the street after the incident. No effort made to check on the drivers.

I know very little about guns, but know that those that do insist on strict rules about where the muzzle points at all times.

OT: It is pointing at the cameraperson. Isn’t that a no-no?

Sad that “high-octane” fuel did not make it. Those Shell V-Power ads make it seem like your Corrola will turn into an F1 car if you use it.

My question is the following: Why?

It’s about making sure that mind-numbing trafic is accessible to more people, in a wider area. It is just fair.

Am with you. Hope you have your flame suit on!

What the hell did you stuff into that bear??

I cannot believe it took so long.

Holly Sh!t is that thing enormous. Is that a Blacbird behind it? Looks tiny!

Ultrasonics? Are we making enemies with dogs? I don’t know, I can’t hear that well.

Haters: Well-to-wheel or stop wasting my time.

Let’s see your sources.

Exactly. Journalism hard.