
A proper CTS-V sendoff isn't complete without slo-mo burnouts. Video credit William Browning III

We went quite a bit faster than that, pulling those flappy pedals to keep it at boost without mercy. Mostly because Polestar did a very good job at setting up a chassis with stiffer springs and dampers, responsive steering, enough mechanical grip at the front thanks to the wheel and tire package and brakes that allow

Ship it!

tl;dr it's at 2:14.

Genius camera man!

That straight on shot with the fire and brimstone coming at the camera will stay with me for a while...

How many of their cars are NOT getting the 450hp magic triple-turbo'ed 4 banger?

Hipmunk should add seat pitch data from Seatguru to their "Agony" rating.

Other driver totally missed his entry. He was way too tight to the right. Look at the rest of the video. Maybe a response to Rossi's pressure?

What is Speciale here is the top-notch production values. The little details are not going unnoticed guys!

Click-baiting GT-R haters.

Exactly. One of the pilots ejected, while still getting injured. Actually watching the video FTW.

What kind of microphone comes with a potato camera? Turnip?

I have a button in my pocket that can blow up your dog.

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It is a massive improvement over the quoted figures for MY98 model:

The Vantage was a Jeremy Clarkson kind of a car — nostalgic, loud, a bit of a blowhard. Naturally he loved it. Watch this old Top Gear review and you'll see what I mean. Not only does Clarkson say everything about the car other than that it's terrible, he also has to drive a development prototype. Aston didn't yet

Good point, gravity is a bitch.

Pretty sure he was going _up_ the bobsled track.

Yeah, suspension of disbelief fail. Ha man, why do I care about details? It was going so well, I was totally buying the chain of events.