
I knew it's heresy around these parts, but am I the only drooling over the architecture ever so slightly more than the cars? God that space is amazing!

No, you have not been wasting your life. Well, not in our book you haven't!


Thank you! I have been looking for a video of this for a while: at 0:34, you can clearly see the car wheelie off a crest. N.U.T.S.

I know very little (nothing) about mines. But aren't those detonated on contact? How on earth did they get it into the bucket without, you know, freaking out?

And a turn!

11:52 Bit of a moment there!

Wow, this is a really bad area of the car. Not the wing, but the rear corner slope to the top of the rear lights. Ugh.

They should just go with: "Yes, it has an engine. Please buy this appliance."

A homeowner in Maumelle received a surprise Saturday night as she came home to find a car in her pool. The Maumelle Fire Department said three of its crew members helped pull the car from the pool at 5:19 behind a home on the 40 block of Victoria Circle. They said the car had driven through a fence off of Trevino

Hey, this is from Breaking Bad season 7!

The dude filming does not know how to hold his "videotaping" potato. Can't watch anymore, getting seasick.

I bet you could take out that hatch permanently and enjoy that soundtrack. All. Of. The. Time.

This is SO not where I clicked. A car's grille is in the front. Thanks Kinja.

Wow, that grille looks awesome to trap plancton and krill and whatnot. See:

Like this?

Saw this a few weeks back with the explanation that it was a competition of some sort.

In Canada, it's 15 years. So, what was available then?

How about the one Steve Jobs had designed: