I’m just hoping that McGregor loses his bearings, gets confused about where he is, and kicks Mayweather in the face, right before being DQ’ed.
I’m just hoping that McGregor loses his bearings, gets confused about where he is, and kicks Mayweather in the face, right before being DQ’ed.
You know what’s fun? Being stuck waiting for a shuttle in a dealership lobby with Fox News blaring on three screens. Here’s what I learned, in the 10 or so minutes I was stranded:
Lol, “Nameless Solider?” “Nameless Scion?” “Nameless Dreamer?”
That’s enough Friday the 13th clips for the rest of time. No need to see more lame streamers killing their friends and giggling like they’re playing GTA for the first time.
Get ready for a lot of fake-ass Friday the 13th outtakes.
Good, Bill Maher is not the enemy. We need to evolve and focus on people who actively scheme to do us harm. He said the n-word. Shame on him. Now let’s move on.
That’s what the DM screen is for. The players don’t have to know what you actually roll, feel free to miss or do little damage as much as you need to in order to let the party survive. The should definitely come out of it limping pretty badly, but not a complete wipe.
I wish they could just say, “We have no interest in meeting with Mr. Trump. He can feel free to visit some of London’s tourist attractions, but we don’t have the time nor desire to meet with him.”
Good God in Christ! What a bunch of idiocy!
If Max is a homo sapien, Max is a he, or a she. It’s just that simple.
that is a good point about compete in general. this sub-blog seems to highlight a lot of negative stuff. i mean, yea, it’s natural for controversy to make “news” as it were, but the drama also confirms tons of negative gamer stereotypes. and you are super spot on about making people out to be babies. like the guy who…
1. Promise to bring jobs back to poor people, even though their mining/manufacturing jobs are gone largely due to automation rather than outsourcing. Those employers will never de-automate, because they’re making huge money by using robots over people.
Good on them. YT-comment is a cesspool of horrible people. Some people ask companies something in the comments, and then complain about bad customer service when they don’t get an answer.
People love to make fun of those (like me) who still buy physical media - for me, Blu-Rays, paper books, and records. But the fact is that any product you purchased digitally that’s housed on someone else’s servers is a product that could someday disappear from your library. For example, Amazon has removed files from…
Wait. Peeling an avocado? What?
Forgive my ignorance, if it even is that, but why would there even be gendered video game competitions? To ensure equal participation? Or...What exactly is the point of a men’s CSGO tournament and a women’s? Pretty sure we all rush B.
Let’s Compare How House Republicans Talk About Cancer to Their Ghoulish Health Care Votes