
After all the shit they’ve pulled, there’s no way I would consider buying an SNES Classic (and I had been totally looking forward to buying one). I will probably buy a raspberry-pi powered emulator. I grew up as a huge Nintendo fanboy and I’m beyond done with this stupid company.

As a deadspin commenter, I too am a beloved elder lol statesman.

Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.

I fucking hate AoT for that very reason.

The show thinks it’s terrifying, but it’s unintentionally hilarious because of the unbelievably goofy looking Titans (and just generally being the blandest bag of tired old anime tropes).

I would spend shameful amounts of money on that game. If it was on the Switch? VERY shameful amounts of money...

that square enix one hit me in the feels.

we need more Tactics, Tactics ogre, and Ramza in the world.

Ugh, the worst part of online gaming realized in flesh and blood.

Lucky for him this isn’t real. I mean...I can’t imagine it is. A perfectly head shaped hole? Throught the screen, pcb and the plastic in the back? I don’t know about you but I don’t think my head could punch a perfect hole through layers of flexible plastic...on a monitor that is just sitting on it’s stock stand.

Is this a game review or a diary entry? What is this? Is this supposed to be informative or helpful for your readers?

Warning, such a diet is known to cause severe balance and pain response issues, you will tip over at the slightest brush from another person and writhe in pain on the ground for an inordinate amount of time until someone blows a whistle for you.

I would be ahgast at this if I thought it would make a difference, but mobile users have overwhelmingly made it clear with their wallets that shit like this is not only accepted, but welcomed, so much so that we now have stuff like this in our $60 ‘full’ release titles on consoles and with every year seems to becoming

Continuing our trek through the Curse of Strahd...last time we beat the hell out of Baba Lysaga, can’t wait to see what happens this session!

I’m pretty sure cloning Ayn Rand’s skin, so he can make a fleshlight out of it, is also another goal he has in life.

What Trump offers is less a Budget Proposal and more a Modest Proposal.

What I took from this origin story is that his dad is a moron and Bannon is out to avenge his dumb father who is rich enough to own tons of AT&T stock but too cheap or ignorant to hire even the most minimally qualified financial professional to suggest that might not be the best strategy.

The gofundme page says his visa and insurance had both expired, and therefore, no coverage while in a foreign country.

I’m playing Dragon Quest 8 this weekend and probably working on Fatal Frame some more.

fortunately both are alive.

Why do you say “fortunately”? The girlfriend, maybe.