I’m sure it’s been offered up a million times but how about putting an EXCLUSIVE tag next to titles that are only available on that console?
I’m sure it’s been offered up a million times but how about putting an EXCLUSIVE tag next to titles that are only available on that console?
That article you linked does not make me think that ARMs is a must own title. Quite the opposite really.
That article you linked does not make me think that ARMs is a must own title. Quite the opposite really.
Arms as a must own is a pretty big stretch. Read the link they posted, that article does not support the idea of this being a must own.
Arms as a must own is a pretty big stretch. Read the link they posted, that article does not support the idea of…
why is everyone labeled as “nameless x”?
Wow that’s great. I’d love to visit japan but it’s so expensive. This will save a lot of money and since I’d only really be there to sleep who cares if its small.
Good article but it would be hard to argue that MM is in a stacked division.
Are you implying it’s because of racism? I’m not sure I can sufficiently perform the amount of eye rolling this deserves without injuring myself.
It would be much more entertaining if they just ignored him. Don’t invite him to any televised functions, don’t invite him to anything. Just ignore him and then laugh when he has a complete tantrum on twitter later.
The Jason player can talk in this game? That’s BS.
This is good advice. It’s not fun for the players to be “punished” by a fight that was too difficult unless it was their own fault for getting into the mess.
How is this allowed? Why does one player dictate the resolution? It would seem that in a competitive environment that players would not be allowed to change settings just because they felt like it.
Question about Compete. Why does it seem that most of the articles in regards to esports are a mix of asinine nonsense and people being babies? Very little on this blog that would actually introduce people into esports other than “check out this rage quitter” or “they call him Mr. Teabagger” or “Players trips on…
Calm down. Not everyone shares your sense of distress that we might accidentally refer to someone by the wrong pronoun. I’m sure our hypothetical Max will be forlorn to read that instead of x they put y. Oh the humanity.
That’s Samwise from LOTR
Actually it is clearer because following up Max Powers..... she thinks.... tells me that Max is a woman.
And I also have anecdotal evidence. I played high level local for a while and things were fine, but over the last 10 years or so the scene is much more toxic and filled with win at all cost a-holes. I’ve had people brag about getting someone DQ’d over some trivial or sometimes made up shit.
All athletes who throw temper tantrums are babies.
No, our format does two things that I feel are necessary for fun Magic. #1 brings the cost down substantially and #2 Makes netdecking very difficult.
I think that’s just standard behavior from a lot of people in the competitive Magic scene. Try to win at all costs, even if that means making up charges against your opponent in hopes they get DQ’d.
That last sentence doesn’t help the whole gaming as a sport narrative.