I had to re-read it twice but I see that you are correct. Apparently the controller thrower wasn’t named and then it just runs into a paragraph of some other guy losing to deadshot.
I had to re-read it twice but I see that you are correct. Apparently the controller thrower wasn’t named and then it just runs into a paragraph of some other guy losing to deadshot.
The gaming community reminds me of the old Apollo theatre comedy shows where the crowd was laughing way too hard and trying to make a spectacle of themselves. Sort of how the WWE audience is completely gob smacked when something happens and you just know they are only doing it in the hopes of being put on camera.
Did he have a tantrum because he lost to Deadshot.....?
Magic is always the most fun when it’s cheap.
So you’re complaining that black people are stereotyped as athletes and musicians. Then list the four outfits available.
The hell is a tumblrina? I’m what they call a grown ass man who thinks its silly that people write things like “I just can’t with this”.
It’s a mad lib.
Is she retarded? Did I just watch a video of a man smacking the eye out of a retarded person?
People with small amounts of power seem to get really bent out of shape the second people question it.
It’s a she. Still a weird situation.
Any ideas as to why this is?
Chroma squad looks fun, too bad its not on the Vita. That would be a good fit.
Looked decent until all the microtransaction, loot box, cellphone game looking BS at the end.
So in the first video a “joe” gets the chance to play a “pro”, proceeds to lose and then throws a hissy fit rather than finish out the game? What a F’ing child.
because it’s a business not a sport. Winning those titles means that he brings something to the table and likely brings viewers to the product.
Hurting animals is bad......
One kid in our neighborhood had one of these and we would play “Rocky”? No idea what the actual name is but it was a Rocky boxing game and we would play for hours. It’s probably terrible but I’ve got fond memories.
It’s a pretty good plan. Make everyone rich by killing of all the poors. Can’t argue with that logic.
How did he live this long? Ugh, nature is unfair. This guy literally avoids exercise and is in his 70's while the lifelong athlete from the biggest loser recently had a heart attack. WTF.
Thank you for this. I had gotten Avast based on previous lifehacker recommendations and was looking to replace it because of the BS it started doing. Popups and signature line shenanigans are irritating. I’ll be DL’ing avira tonight.