
Games reviews should be written by people who want to play them, not by people who just view them under the context of a deadline.

Never heard of him.

Well now...somebody woke up with a creative spark the size of the Citadel, no? Nicely conceived, realized, and executed.

More the latter; to use your point, an HD rerelease of Akira would merely be a boost to 1080p. Rereleasing older games in HD is a way to revisit great titles that some newer gamers might've missed; I'm not all that impressed with the sequel-driven culture that's saturated the market these days, which is why I'm glad

No, but Shinji Aramaki just might. :p

CG remake of original Akira in 2016.

It's the same mentality that's infected the game industry to some degree.

Thanks for pointing out a feature I never would've noticed had it not been for this article. :p That being said, loving SC; Warrior and Amazon are my faves so far.

Dragon's Crown is unbelievable; I have the Vita version and this game saturates you with its world more deeply with almost any 3D game I could name. The art and animation are beyond reproach, and it's just way more fun that you would think it had any right to be.

Chowder and Flapjack were so crammed full of one-offs and subtle humor (both physical and implied) that I still recall them as if they were on just yesterday. The one current cartoon that consistently slays me with its depth of humor is CN's The Amazing World of Gumball.

It's because everyone's busy talking about the PS4.

Excepting the fact that he's still in just about every film being made today.

Only issue with that is that women who look like the ones in DC can, and do, actually exist in real life.

I still have Beambreakers...man, that game was something. Shame it never had proper controller support because the default configuration was a nightmare.

The problem with the internet is there's no bar for entry. At all.

The best thing technology has ever given us is a delete key; unfortunately, technology requires a heart, hand, and mind willing to occasionally use the damn thing.

Now playing

For reference, here's the original version:

What I'm saying is that I clearly spend too much time doing things other than poking around in the dark corners of the net.

Ok, so it's not just me. the Beatspill ads introduced me to the song, and the Beatspill ads also have my remote-reaching reflex honed to perfection. The ad is just damned terrible as is, but the song makes it ten times worse.

I particularly like the part where I wouldn't have known it was stock art of the internet hadn't risen up in self-righteous ire.