
The thing you might not realize that as resistant to change as gamers might be, the average consumer is far more resistant to it. The online requirement ("what's that online requirement mean? Is that where I get my 500 jigas?") and DRM nonsense will find Microsoft's new system foundering long enough to chip away at

First? Hmm...it was predated by at least half a decade by Orcus Galacticus.

If Gravity Rush didn't prove to you that the Vita had teeth, it may be time to move on.

People naturally react negatively when they feel they're being taken advantage of. It's really kind of stunning; this is like 2006 all over again, except this time it's Microsoft in their ivory tower instead of Sony, announcing a console priced out of range of the average consumer that will likely have little sales

Pretty sure that Playstation 4 I plan on buying will be permanently banned from Xbox LIVE, also.

I don't expect the differences will be all that great; first-run next-gen games are generally not all that graphically advanced over their predecessors anymore.

Because it'll likely outsell the next-gen console versions by a large margin since millions more current-gen units are installed in homes.

Considering how well Sony caught up with MS on a worldwide basis after two years of nearly no sales inertia (2006-2008), I'd say it's a given.

Ha, well...I'm convinced. It'll be PS4 for me next-gen, no questions asked.

I was wondering how long it would take for them to do this; they've already been subsidizing the cost of running a free gaming network with paid PS+ memberships.

Wow, Gandalf cleans up really good. Bowtie seems more his style though...I'm kinda surprised.

Fine, Japan. We'll take Faith, you can keep Miku Hatsune. Deal?

I think as more and more AAA titles aim for photorealism, I'm finding myself drawn back into older titles with distinctive art styles and direction.

I'm already out. MS has burned every damned bridge they can burn with me at this point, and I'm more than content to stay on my side of the river this time out.

Maybe it's just my age, but sitting this next generation out really doesn't seem like a big deal; I can still go back and play the older generations of games I truly enjoyed.

Looks like the 360 is the end of an era for me, but man, what a great era it was. I'm not particularly mad at MS for what they're doing with the Xbox One; it's their choice do what what they will with it as it is my choice to avoid purchasing it.

The previews! THEY DO NOTHING

I remember being struck by how beautiful the character design was when I first saw her...at the end of the day, that's the only way I Remembered Her.

'Paperman', a 2d/3d hybrid short film that debuted before Wreck-It Ralph.

What she is, is HUMAN.