
Yeah, likely. I played this over two decades ago, so the v-hold is a little off.

If memory serves, the arcade version was not.

They're both quite attractive; kudos on both.

Ha, now everybody is THAT GUY. Thanks internet!

Maybe my tri-progressive lenses need a new prescription, but if I hadn't been told that footage was on PS4, I would've assumed it was current-gen.

Ggenerally speaking, when monetization is a goal, things will never end well.

As someone who has played since 2004, I can see both sides of the issue. I still play and enjoy the game, love the new expansion and don't see myself quitting until they shut the servers down...that being said, I do have the fondest memories of Northrend and WotLK, which I still consider to be the peak of the WoW bell

My post history for the last six months or so has basically reflected that thought. I think the Wii U is deep into the stages of Dreamcast Syndrome; when you launch with a Mario title and even that doesn't make a difference, you've lost your audience.

I dunno, man...usually when butts move around that much it's because there's a fart comin' out of 'em.

Worst interest in what way? I'm legitimately curious, as I haven't worked for Gamestop since 2002.

Hmm, a gaming cross-promotion that actually makes complete sense. How rare.

In related news, Fox News host provides Seth McFarlane with more material.

On a retail level, about 50% of my Xbox customers say they have no intent of connecting the system online.

Eh, it's art. Gonna be subjective.

I don't have a Twitter account or I would've responded, but one thing violent video games have done effectively is to show me just how horrific this type of violence would be in the real world. I look at some of the things I've done in these games and have literally winced while it's happened, and then I think to

You know who ELSE likes to not pay the pizza tab?

And development.

Not EVERY female, though. S'true.

Crazy mams, though.

May not have to accept it, but it ain't changin'.