
I had to go get the newer version, but it works great. Thanks for the link.

Lets get this on the Droid X!

My problem is people who call and leave a voicemail to see if you got their text/message/email. Really? You had to call to verify I received your previous attempt at not being ignored?

Wait!? There was a problem with holding the Iphone? I don't believe it! If there had been a problem surely I would have heard about it. Some source of information would have covered this incident adnaseum. Are you sure? :/

@tylerbrainerd: I worked in the telecommunications business for a couple of years. When they say down it means no service. So when she said the lines were down i interpreted that to mean no service, hence no phones/internet. If she said busy, or slow, or jammed that would be different. Down though due to the

Phone lines were down and people were letting family know that they were safe. WTF! In 1994 the only way people connected was over dial up modems. Lol! Classic.

Feels nice to be invited :P

@Iota: I sure hope you are right. Nothing inspired me more than the space program as a child. It still does.

I watched this from my first grade classroom. Even though it has been 25 years since that day, this moment in history still touches me deeply. While I am sad that the space program is winding down, I am grateful to those men and women who put there life on the line to inspire mankind to reach just a little further

Naval training exercise video=Hunt for Red October... Some things in here don't react well to bullets.

Maui is being terraformed? Who stole Project Genesis this time?....KAHN!!!!

I almost wish I had kids to take to see this. I am tired of getting creepy looks from parents just because i enjoy legos too. :P

@Deckard: The fact that she lived and is able to respond to simple commands is nothing short of amazing. Hopefully she will be able to find a way to work around any hinderences she might develop.

Since I am an american that prefers freedom. I choose to have the freedom to change my phone as I see fit. Staying with my DroidX. Apple can keep their closed system. Long Live Android!

"We've been doing this all wrong. This Mr. Stay-Puft is okay! He's a sailor, he's in New York– we get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble!"

I thought these guys were supposed to be smart. Wonka did the same thing with gum back in 1971. Get with the program guys.

60% of the time, it works everytime.