
@pagan_god: I'm unstarred and posted something along those lines, but was lucky enough to have mine promoted. Occasionally the unstarred are worthy. Not often though.

Damn Dirty Ape!!!

A fighter that size couldn't get this deep into space on its own.

Carbonite Caskets...

Maybe they should take a lesson from Google and give the time to a charitable organization. Why pass it on to people that were actually affected.

@Settings: I am buying what she is selling!

At least at :30 they advetised some nice cans as well!

"but just as you wouldn't walk down the street in some drooping, XXL jacket"

The wife and I just went to Disneyland over the thanksgiving break. Long lines...check! Lots of people...check! Overpriced food...check!

Imagine if Weird Al Yankovich had sold his track "Eat It" on a CD like this!

Since when has Dalaran been in 3D?

First Pluto and now this!!... Whats next? Your going to tell me studies done at a university have proven that He-Man is gay. Just leave well alone. What is the world coming too. they even shut off Niagra Falls....

@UrukJedi: Replies from two legendary commentators in a row. This can't be real. I hear the music...damn it was a dream.

There is no spoon.

Would this mean that facetime wouldn't work till hardware upgrades are available in the middle of next year?

A lot of people drinking the Gene Simmons hateraid. Think whatever you will about his personal philosophy towards business and the music industry. I saw him on tour 2 weeks ago and it was a lot of fun. Make-up, syncronized swaying, fire breathing, blood spitting, PYROTECHNICS UP THE ASS! These people are entertainers,

They need to look for the chinese guy who first discovered this and was infected with gamma rays. He's the real story.

@SEDAGIVE?!: The other houses on the block now feel like perverts. they can't stop "admiring" the view.

"Have you seen the light?!"...

I love how the other girl tells her to put it right in the kisser as she lets it fly. Talk about being right on the money.