Shabby Apple? I think they make all their stuff in Utah, which makes me think Mormons own it.
Shabby Apple? I think they make all their stuff in Utah, which makes me think Mormons own it.
With interest - he had genuinely never heard of those terms. And I was complaining to him about someone else, not him. One of my colleagues thinks that he mansplains (but never about work stuff), but to me it comes across as dad or grandpa-splaining, where he genuinely wants to help, so it doesn’t bother me.
I had to explain to an older male colleague what mansplaining and failing upwards are. Had never heard of either one.
My dad just retired from a tenured prof job at a small Catholic college, and he once went a 10 year stretch (as did every other professor) wit no raise whatsoever. Good thing my mother sees frugality as one of her morals.
100% this. One of my friends is leaving her apartment because her landlord refuses to fumigate the apartment across the hall from her - apparently she thinks bedbugs can’t cross hallways? And this is the 3rd time my friend has gotten infested, so she is DONE.
Oh yes, it was a rental. The rest of the condo is grounded, they just never bothered with the bedroom for some reason.
My condo’s previous owners were so lazy, they painted over all the electrical outlets - even the part you plug into! And the bedroom ones aren’t 3-prong grounded, so I’m having an electrician pry them all up and update.
I just bought a condo, and paid less than the previous owners (investors/rental people) did, mainly because the place hadn’t been updated in the past 20 years (at least) and the kitchen and bathroom were tragic. And the online photos were awful as well.
Brian and Justin and Vic for me. I wanted to stab Deb and Michael in the eyeballs by the end.
The mid nineties was when they started cracking open and renovating the theaters on 42nd between 8th and Broadway. That smell was not for the faint of heart.
Ah, memories. That’s what growing up in a large family with a single bathroom was like - my dad’s hair was ALL OVER the soap. When I left for college I was all, “as God is my witness, I will never share soap with anybody again!” And I never have.
I am not even joking - there was a lady in line in front of me at the DMV a few weeks ago wearing this dress, but it stopped at 2 ruffles. And she was mad everything was taking so long because she had a funeral to go to. I had so many questions - was she planning on changing first? If not, was the funeral for someone…
I can’t tell you what a shock it was the first time I went to Boston, and there were no cabs sitting outside the train station at night. Thankfully my hotel was in reasonable walking distance.
I had a colleague get fired once (and the rest of us lost the ability to send company wide emails) because he sent one calling out the second-in-command of the company for planning a project he thought was stupid. And boy, did he detail how stupid he thought it was!
The best advice I ever got (from a lawyer at a previous job), was “never put something in writing you wouldn’t want to see blown up on the wall of a courtroom, or have your mother read”.
I had to serve on a child rape case that had been a mistrial because an idiot on the previous jury had done just that! On the plus side, I made $150 and since I work for a private company, I didn’t have to give that money up plus I got my regular salary too.
I know a woman who just had her first kid at 47. I saw her in the winter most recently, wearing a puffy coat - I did think she looked a little big but chalked it up to weight gain. I sure wasn’t going to ask her! When I found out she had given birth a few weeks ago I was absolutely floored.
Sounds kind of like my grandma! Grandpa was drunk and abusive and tried to stab her, and she didn’t seek a divorce because back then (the 1950s) it was acceptable to be an abandoned wife, but not a divorced woman. This way, the priests let my dad and his brothers attend Catholic school without paying tuition, because…
“Shaken to the core” is making me think about the asshole who complained to the building management of a job I used to have about the “unseemly” window air conditioners, and management made us take them out. Like, would it be less unseemly to have a stream of ambulances when we all die of heat stroke, because our…
I have a colleague with a daughter who majored in gender studies, and is currently working as a waitress. He does not charge her rent. I regularly point out she will be living with them until they die.