... until this day, I had no idea that Eric Roberts and Julia Roberts were siblings. No clue. None. The possibility soared right over my head until I read your comment, and now my mind’s a little bit blown.
Huh. I’ve never before found myself equally split between Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, and Lawful Evil.
As a long-time movie-score junkie, this is like chocolate to my ears. My dad got me hooked on Basil Pouledouris (Conan the Barbarian) and James Horner (Glory) and John Williams (everything), and it’s continued well into my adult years. It’s to the point where a particular composer being connected to a film will be…
See, and the funny thing about that while the dude’s got insane charisma onscreen and is so perfectly cast in roles like Hannibal... like Oliverandm said above, he comes off as ridiculously chill and laid back. I met him briefly at a convention a year and a bit ago, and while Hannibal Lecter is the current icon of…
I only had time to play the first bit for one of my Demon Hunters on the night of the release, so I explained the Fel Hammer Order Hall thing to my wife as ‘it’s kinda like a spaceship by way of Dragon Age’.
Bob Anderson is dearly missed, and William Hobbs’ touch in fight scenes is incomparable. Here’s hoping some of the students of this documentary move into entertainment to share their knowledge.
Not a fencer myself, but true story - I had the chance to meet Chris Sarandon (Prince Humperdinck) at a convention a few years back, and the dude in line ahead of me told a delightful story about how he saw The Princess Bride as a child, and was moved to pick up fencing. During his training, he found out that the…
Here from io9.
Huh. Fernando Ruiz is on the guest list of the Calgary Expo this weekend. I think you’ve convinced me to seek this out.
Trigun was the first manga I ever picked up (accidentally ordered the Japanese editions from the hole-in-the-wall comic store's catalogue), and the first anime series I started to collect on my own (piece by overpriced VHS piece). It quickly became and still remains my hands-down favorite anime and manga (Trigun and Tr…
So... am I the only one that remembers news a few years back of Megan Fox being considered for the role of Aspen Matthews in a movie adaptation of the late Michael Turner's 'Fathom' comic book? Anyone?
There's no 'it is said' when it comes to Chuck Palahniuk's "Guts". I attended a reading when he was touring Haunted up in Canada. At least three people passed out there. I wasn't one of them, but ye gads, I had to sit down very carefully. Whenever I think of 'visceral' writing, he's the example sitting in a…
Okay, I swore I had seen this concept before, and I after a moment of digging, I found it. (Maybe I follow Matthew Gray Gubler's tumblr account, and maybe I saw this last week, and thought it was rather cute.)
Uh, more than you know. I'm not even 30, so I grew up with that franchise... which might have a pretty sharp peg on why this thing skeeves me out.
Ohthankgod, I thought I was the only one. Took one look at those fins and the double-turbines and... yeah. Twitching.
It looks like Weird Tales has removed Marvin Kaye's post, and John Harlacher has shared a few words in response to the shitstorm: http://weirdtalesmagazine.com/2012/08/20/a-message-from-the-publisher/
Uhm, it's Etsy. As much as I'm sure the casting version exists, I'm pretty sure the more literal version is also there. In abundance.
Oh lordy. I hope I never, ever get tired of seeing videos of these guys. I have a tendency to dissolve into a gibbering twelve-year-old with every new clip. It takes me back to my dreams of Jurassic Park and Dinotopia and if I saw this in person, I would just squeeeee....
Watching this, there is a passage that comes to mind from one of my favorite graphic novels. I went to fetch it just now to make sure I got it right.