Yet maybe that’s exactly the teaCrazy argument? - traditional marriage is full of “heterosexual infidelity - godly defined as one man and two women (or one woman and two men)“.
Well, he could be meaning traditional realistic marriage where infidelity is something that does sometimes happen as opposed to traditional idealized marriage...
Josh Groban and Kat Dennings are together?! This is new and delightful information. I love it. This makes sense.
Cool story: One time, Kat Dennings was on my local radio station a few years ago and I was pregnant and hormonal and they asked people to call in to say hi (because radio is weird) and I did and when she…
Super shit news: this week I found out I have cancer.
Matt Damon, stop talking. Just stop.
I grew up in the Midwest and moved away over 10 years ago. Every time I’m back for a visit, I’m internally screaming “why can’t anyone just say what they mean?!” the whole time.
Oh please.
The only reasonable response to getting an invoice in the mail for not going and eating their walleye dinner is to buy 2 walleye and give them back to the happy couple by hiding them somewhere in the house while they are on their honeymoon.
This wedding shit is getting out of hand. The universe does not revolve around 1) you or 2) your wedding budget or 3) your gift registry. It’s a party you chose to throw, people are not legally bound to show up (even when they said they would). Weddings are becoming the outlet of choice for asshole behavior nowadays.
Her poetry will change your life though.
As much as I like Jon Hamm, I’m wondering why you hate Amy Pohler.
I’m old and haggard and I spend too much time online, which means that gimmicks like “James Corden drives around in…
GAhhhh! Who gives a shit about this vapid spawn of a pimp and her husband? Stop giving these useless assholes media time. This young woman has done absolutely fuck all with her life up to this point. Which is totally ok because hey, most of us do fuck all with our lives before the age of 18. But her getting various…
This assumes that I’m taking showers solely to get clean. Showers are great! Baths are great! Hot water and singing along to my favorite Whitney Houston jams and occasionally even drinking a beer—GREAT!
“I hope you’re not joking” “Is it really in there?” “Why did you make it?”. I appreciate this kid’s healthy cynicism and wish to subscribe to his newsletter.