
If a bunch of people started throwing rocks at their cars the police would at least arrest said people and the government would not kick them out of the country.

Si you're saying the plate might have actually legitimately been an unintentional coincidence? This needs to be bumped!

So the argentinians proved themselves to be bigger assholes than Clarkson, to have less of a sense of humor than Hitler and showed downright primitive behavior unfitting of a "civilized" nation over a freaking license plate. Because said plate supposedly references a war they lost which, from what I gather, was over a

Aaaaannd called it!

My money is on Hyundai's version of the K900, I have another comment detailing why.

I JUST posted something similar before reading the comments. Those are Sonata wheels for sure. The overall shape and everything makes me think this is Hyundai's version of the K900.

Well. Hyundai DOES mount their mirrors on the triangular section in front of the side windows instead of on the door pannels. (American manufacturers do this a lot as well). However the wheel design is screaming hyundai at me (You can also see the mirror placement):

Also, I want hi-res shots of this bike!

If I ever end up with a monetary windfall, this is bike will make it REAL hard for me to hold my promise to never get a bike. It's like Kawasaki had a baby with a Lamborghini Veneno. I love how utterly absurd this is and cannot wait to see the official specs.

And this article perfectly outlines my mindset for my personal purchases I have made and I actually have the exact same practice you do with my credit card. Except I exchange the points for cash.

Came here to say exactly this. Not japanese myself but I was enough of a fan of the culture and anime/mangas to learn the basics of their pronounciation. Nothing in the video was a big surprise either.

Funny, skydiving is firmly in my Nope list. But somehow this is the kind of Batshit Crazy i can get behind.

That was a great read and informative in an entertaining way like all your articles. What I'm really trying to say, Doug, is... Will you marry me?

God, that looks fun. I'll take a flawed sports car with problems and character over a perfect sports car, Any day. That's why I just can't get behind the VW GTI: it's too competent and there's no drama in the driving experience.

you don't even need 500hp to experience that. I get that feeling with my 300hp secrtary stang. Imo, as soon as you start making 200hp or more on a platform that is light enough and overall enables you to have a 0-60 time south of 6 seconds, you officially have too much power to properly enjoy on public roads.

Both my current vehicles I own have been bought brand new and financed. But then I have a pretty good income for my age and a spotless credit history. Plus I financed because I desired these models when they were fresh into the market and waiting for a cash affordable used model was going to be long (I refuse to

Reminds me of the fast 5 movie where there's a street race in brazil between a bunch of CHARGER cop cars. They were shown rowing through gears in a car that has no manual transmission option. Shrug.

That was, quite amusing.

i'm a sport's car and sporty car guy and even I agree with this

Or the entire province can try to solve the 3rd world levels of corruption and collusion going on so that they don't need to prevent people from having decent retirements in order to balance the checkbooks. Though I do agree that our cop don't have the best of reputations. Sometimes the hate is because ricers just