
MTA has a crappy business model, so criticize one that's successful?

Have you ever tried to make four serial waffles? Parallel waffle production is the only way to reach that girth.

Link to buy with Amazon Prime?

Heaven forbid our airline transportation's security personnel be trained.

The ebook piracy movement is in full swing. Remember DRM on MP3s? That worked out just great for everybody :rollseyes:

Remove clouds.

Siri, make me a pie.

Looks like the Original and 3G were focused on the back wall, since the horizon is sharper than the trinket.

Stolen from Apple?

So says the photographer...

At the end of the day, just cut the ropes and let mother nature clean up your mess.

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen


How do you make a hormone?

:rofl: good show, old chap

Posted the day after her show ended.

I AM data!

Should've brought a sled for the ride down. WHEEEE!!!

What Best Buy did once...

I've never left ANY phone in a bar, let alone a super-secret prototype phone that would get me fired and arrested. Apple employees = Drunks, is what i'm gathering.