
"If every Nielsen Family watched a show the day after it aired but skipped through all its ads, that show would probably be canceled."

"Second Generation" doesn't mean anything to consumers. If they know they have a machine with i5 or i7, they're going to panic.

Weird, my first thought was because the Superbowl was coming up.

Why would I want to print emails?

Fuck that. Give me a CCW and let me wear a wire.

How i buy?

It should auto-shut off after, say... 6 replies.

@threehz: How do you drop a call twice?

BRB, hitting up Panasonic's Facebook with my wishlist...

But, but... I forward TO my mobile phone with google voice... can't have my service plan terminated. I want to move my cell phone number to GV, but then have some random number assigned to my mobile.

Yeah, but it's not like they're being sold to make a profit...

Then why is my iPod 160GB?!?!?

Fun fact: embedding the CBS video player looks terrible

My 7-year old sister was astounded that I didn't have "Webkinz" when I was a kid, and couldn't even comprehend that the "web" didn't even exist back then.... "so how did you talk to people?"

Oh oh! Overlay natural gas wells!

wo, new socket.