Entire budget spent on software, can't afford shirts.
Entire budget spent on software, can't afford shirts.
Soft electronic dimmers (like Lutron) turn on gradually over 1-2 seconds, and in my unscientific testing give bulbs nearly 3x as much life.
If compatible with EF lenses, I'd buy one TOMORROW
no way... silent update if anything
@DudeMG: I'd love a 250GB Classic!
really? trojans PREVENT popups now?
@ara: Enterprise solutions can still have budget options
One word: Glory Hole.
That lady has it all wrong!
Jesus saves.
Does that include my unpublished masterpiece from the 7th grade?
I'm going to fluff myself up to a half chub before I go in for a scan
@MacAttack: Thinking the same thing...this is like using your feet instead of your hands.
@DirtyDogg: unless your wife took away the coffee table you already had because you asked, I doubt it
@DirtyDogg: $13K retail, $15K developer. I want a developer version at work, but guess how that conversation is going...
Will they take the tote back for my next order?
@Swimatm: Or the pages that were available publicly have since been made private, or changed. If you start looking for a job, you tend to clean up your online presence first. This gives them a snapshot to your "true" gun-toting wife-beating klansmanship.
@hhhtseng: The red laser pointers are an order of magnitude weaker than what you're seeing here
@Philip_Fry: This. Hearts, Stars, comment promotion, comment approval. These need to be addressed.
and they couldn't come up with anything better to do with it?