
Jobs that pay on commission don’t. I worked one sales job that had a similarly piss-poor base salary. If I didn’t sell, I didn’t eat.

Which actually doesn’t make sense at all. You want your best staff on the floor at the your busiest times. That’s actually one problem tipping does solve.

I state this all not to blame Williams for doing something wrong, but to address some of the dangers that occur when healthcare fails to provide. This certainly poses more of a personal and public risk, not to mention more of an economic drain, than if he’d simply been able to seek out care in a sane way from the

By using unprescribed antibiotics, Williams just bred drug resistant bacteria that then broke through the physical barriers between his teeth and jaw. This gives the infection access not only to his blood, but to his cranial nerves, which can act like a highway to the brain.

Neither the Pao nor the Be 1 are Keis, only the Beat and Capuccino are.

My car didn’t even come with wondows.. why is it so heavy?

In a world of constant change, the Porsche 911 is our rock. Our foundation. Our guiding North Star as the darkness threatens to surround us completely.

You’re Not from Around Here, Are You?

Never. Totally worth it even if TG wrecks every single one they get (and they do, more or less).

That’s the thing. The shaft totally didn’t NEED to come out.

The instrument panel on my 2000 Accord Coupe had the Ford logo on it! (behind the trim pieces, of course)

I made a mistake while working on my brother’s recently acquired Saab 900. Based on experiences I had with fuel systems in other vehicles, I assumed that the fuel pump was supposed to prime when the key was turned “on”.

Missed the sarcasm on that one, huh?

*cracks knuckles*

Jason, you’ve outdone yourself with this article.

“I am a person of faith and I would happily go toe to toe with anyone in an intellectual debate on the subject”

There aren’t enough hours in the day to work your way through school anymore. Tuition costs have risen enormously, and wages have not.

That's the sound of someone losing a million bucks.