
In a weird way I sort of get it bc hey, in my day-to-day I’m usually considered to be a smart and fairly capable person. Swim in that as your quotidian waters and you start thinking you’re pretty competent - maybe even above average.

I have a feeling that he’s just a parrot. Not parroting, but rather an an actual parrot. It explains both is complexion and his hair.

I worked with a guy who had terrible hygiene, and it was miserable. And everyone talked about it, not in a cruel way, because he was one of the sweetest and most hardworking guys you could come across, and had a rough life that made it hard to criticize. He was super poor, wore the same clothes all the time, was

1991: Bret Easton Ellis publishes a controversial novel, a sort of brutal dark comedy of the lifestyles of New York’s most useless rich, young men. Despite the novel’s final act, many people insist the grotesque acts of violence are really committed by the protagonist, rather than merely being his sick fantasies, and

How does one courageously protect a flag?

“Imagine if you did something Obama could only ever dream of. Something he wanted so bad but wouldn’t even dare to say out loud because he knew he couldn’t do it. Imagine rendering his biggest legislative impact obsolete, and doing it with something people love.”

This is excellent, excellent advice.

Or all the people who thought Cohen’s Hallelujah was a wonderful Christmas song that should be sung by children.

Martin McDonagh writer and director of the wonderful dark comed[y] In Bruges and...Frances McDormand

Remember when that Idris Elba photo was going around and everyone was like “Idris has a big dick!” and then he tweeted something like “This was a big boost to my ego, but that was just a mic” and then everyone was like “Idris has a GIGANTIC dick!”

There are a few options for keeping the tie flat along the buttons of the shirt — the tie bar, the tie tack/pin, or the tie chain (egad, chains are gauche!) Usually the skinny end can be slid through the label in the back. I’ve gained weight over time, so some of my older, favorite ties (which fit just fine when I was

Prachi - The White House just rejected CNN, Politico, and NYTimes from the press briefing. They only allowed conservative Breitbart and Washington Times in. This is fucking insane.

Merriam-Webster is on it:

It’s funny that you say this, because I was listening to NPR in the car and my nine year old son said of Trump’s administration taking on the Anne Frank Center “That seems like a really bad idea”.

On point

The bad news is, we’ll probably still get that war with Iran. The good news is we won’t accidentally hit Azerbaijan.

They need to stop eating lead paint chips.

The Mel Brooks bit reminded me of a conversation from last night. My book club read The Princess Bride and we were discussing it last night. Everyone else was very annoyed by William Goldman’s writing style, but he’s of the same school as Mel Brooks. I, on the other hand, absolutely loved the writing style and got a