damnit, you beat me to it><
damnit, you beat me to it><
Do want!
Don't forget her Eidolon kicks ass too..Oh wait, you're talking about the design....I should probably not say anything that tries to be smart and just agree with you on it :D
Maybe they want attention?
Hardman or Flashman seemed better :D
Dang, you beat me to it.
methinks Budget management and Project Pioritising.
@chronomasakari: Frankly, I felt FFXIII was good, but lacking, they could have done better than just "Masters' Role" or "Treasure Hunter "
@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: Technically 358/2 made sense, but only to those who played the series, Duodecim012 was just redundant
hmm...I sense DLC..
@a.seivewright: don't worry too much about it, its a natural thing, heck if you think about it, your kid is going to some day say "MY Kid doesn't appreciate Ben 10 like I did, now its all about Kenny 3000"
I think the most common thing we can do right now is to re-invent old things and improve on them....twinkies anyone?
@Squishpoke: some one mind explaining?I don't get the joke...
@SmurfySmurfington: While I agree that the having acheivements is purely optional, I think that its not really necessary to have achievements in some games, e.g do you REALLY want something like "Clocked 99 hours of looking at Playboy Magazines" in Mafia 2? Broadcast all over PSN for your friends and whoever online…
I think its a good thing, it makes the designers think of better ways to attract customers rather than the usual "Get a High Score!!!Match the Leader Boards!!" pitch. also, I'm kinda sick of the Achievements feature since I feel its mostly an excuse for designers to skip the re-play value content
well done square enix, once again you have explained absolutely nothing about everything you've set out to do.
......what...?I could have sworn I heard a mass of fanboys calling... then again, I just hope it had more fill than FFXIII's Mission Stones and Achievements.. it felt extremely lacking except for the part where we all went "Yes!! 99,000,000 CP" accquired!!"
you know whats the best way to deter people from being asses on the net? IRL punchers, you click a button similar to the nude on msn, and the fists on the coressponding side gets a hook to the face!
the title made it seem as if Sony was being petty when they're main sources of income just got jackked...
great, now they have a way of proving I suck at monster hunter 3...way to go technology -.-