
Oh good, its not just me! I felt that it was a little...laggy as compared to Hyrule Warriors HD

As ideal as that sounds, the problem unfortunately comes from a lot of interlinked issues that makes a longer development time impractical, from things such as consumer demands, profits and loss and shifting manpower for newer development projects. Hassan Minhaj’s Patriot Act episode on games touches on those issues

I think that Jump Ultimate Stars was pretty fun. It doesn’t always have to be a shit-show.

Whats that now? We’re talking about clothes washing detergent?

Megaman Legends 3 When? WHen?? WHEN?????

Mat Pat ( Game Theory) actually has a video about how they may actually be intentionally saving you, as well as reasons why you should kill them :D

Hi Brian, you mentioned that it’s for the PS4 and PC in the title, but your article only mentioned PS4. Is it omitted for any reason at all?(the PC port I mean)

I understand where you’re coming from. At times I don’t even know if I’m the one at fault for not being able to keep everyone alive and that moment when you see a Reaper, Genji and Parah on your team comp just makes you lose all hope.

Purple guy confirmed to have moved from Spring Trap to Pikachu Animatronic =.

Cykke, playing the game and watching the videos are two different things, I can testify to that. if you ever have the chance, do actually give Amnesia :The Dark Descent a try.

Bring the concept where you are alone already, I know capcom invested many lines of codes into this "Superb A.I" , but having someone else with a gun really kills the mood. Oh, and while you're at it, get rid of that stupid blip that is constantly on the screen.

Ship 2?

I usually base my team on one principle: Troll your opponent as much as you can.

Those who saw this coming since the 3DS, raise your hand -.-#

Those are just two characters, the rest have either "Blasted off again" or captured by Marines, for a manga that spans over 10 years worth of characters, I highly doubt two persons can be considered "people".

I think they combined the two.

I only hope that they don't have something like Resident Evil 5; and from what I read, it seems to be similar to that game in terms of "Co-Op".

Now playing

Maybe if you're interested you can give Final Fantasy Type-0 a try, its a little different from the "less passive" battle systems of most final fantasy games. But I think what you were talking about would be like this?

You know, in all honesty, I don't think we want kids to learn about Spy's Backstabbing tendencies....

Y'know, its not Ecochan's fault that everything needs to look like pikachu...he had no say in the matter of his creation.