

It just occurred to me how braindead and disengenuous that whole this is.

“There are so many things that you can do! But you won’t do most of them!

First, they bill themselves as a sports bar, no thanks.

Perhaps you’d prefer to read about a 7 lb., 11 oz. baby girl born at 7:11 p.m. on July 11, who now has a college fund courtesy of 7-Eleven.

In the same position that you had? Your career sounds like it is doing fine, but that doesn’t make you any good at statistics. Wage and salary only increases based on retention value. This is why lower income industries have seen stagnant wages for a very long time now.

So Ilhan Omar became a naturalized citizen at the age of 13.

“Who am I?”

I honestly thought you were going to make all of the sausages for this, adding most of the components of the dish into each casing, actually turning the dish into a hot dog that only needed a bun and a little bit of sauce to finish it.

You forgot the bacon.

I am sick of all of these motherfucking gators in this motherfucking crawlspace!

I found it interesting that in the first Key failure, the dead bodies were all there in a gruesome state of burned gooeyness.

We’re talking about Ben Shapiro getting million dollar contracts specifically because he is a giant asshole, and because he’s articulate and can speak very very fast. But let’s not make any mistake, if he was an articulate speaker and he was not a a giant asshole, he would be getting fewer contracts because he’s

The wacky Ambassador that the U.K. foisted upon the United States is not someone we are thrilled with, a very stupid guy.

However, if “performance” becomes the arbiter of what fair wages look like worldwide, it creates a troubling model based on the idea of “excellence.”

Let’s see if I can do a short version of this...

I actually had this exact discussion just earlier.

Bernie Sanders motivates Independents and Undeclared voters in a way that no one else does. He also has an unignorable ability to steal certain classes of voters directly from the Republicans. I’ve seen it. I know a few fiscal conservatives who actually love him, policy-wise.

Negative. They didn’t ask for more seasons. They didn’t even ask for more episodes. The HBO execs were the ones that floated the idea of making each episode into a blockbuster.

Don’t come here babbling about your conjecture when there is actual writing on the wall.