You are a gentleperson and a scholar!
You are a gentleperson and a scholar!
Pope has been working for years to nab this baddie, and sincerely wants to stop his reign of terror, but he also feels that he and the other men, who are all struggling financially, deserve a sizable reward for their service to the United States. Consequently, this operation occurs entirely off the books.
In a truly functioning Democracy, a ‘Primary’ challenger within one’s own party should at the very least make the incumbent’s policies more visible, and give them a chance to hone those policies based on input from new blood.
“I dislike the United States that dropped the nuclear bombs and does not regret it.”
and wearing a fake nose to play a Jew screams of lite anti-Semitic caricature
The doctor that performed my circumcision was a hack.
You think they’re just chopped off the end?
We’re all chasing a Butterfinger high that is so rarely achieved.
Well I feel silly. Third time reading that meme and I see the part about the bathrooms. I was so blinded by the audacity and stupidity of the image itself that I couldn’t read properly.
Iowa Rep. Steve King, a white supremacist who cannot seem to keep his bigotry to himself, reportedly shared a transphobic meme on Facebook. [CNN]
“I just made up this inflammatory bullshit so you’ll think it’s reasonable when I propose that we publicly subsidize private gun purchases.”
The real phoenix was the Taco Bell we ate along the way.
She wants Sharia Law
For those keeping score at home:
And I never had to see no fiends because I had people outside working for me
“Jewish people are leaving the Democratic Party. We saw a lot of anti Israel policies start under the Obama Administration, and it got worsts & worse.” - The leader of the party that represents people who claim the Jews run the world (for nefarious purposes), probably.
It sounds neat, though it reminds me of hours playing Alter Ego, and makes me wonder if it has as much interaction? This game was fascinating. No, baby, don’t drink the bleach!
“WCTH has shown us that offering forgiveness and second chances can be an amazing thing. So many of you today seem to enjoy watching it, but don’t want to actually practice this in real life.”
That Harvard boy Over There