
Omg! Sorry I'm late, guys... My teacher blocked pretty much all programs, so I couldn't sign on to participate in this week's Openthread!

Or, in re: Flip tip: just use a good point-and-shoot camera to shoot video... the Flip isn't the best video camera out there... Relative ease-of-use is the only thing it has going for it.

Yeah, I just switched to Todo.txt about a week ago, and...

@The Albatross: This is talking about a drain pipe. I'd think the only place that a drain pipe could freeze is the trap, which is (theoretically) inside the house. Assuming that the house is heated to, say, above 32 degrees...

@Whitson Gordon: I dunno, I'm going to have to agree with @Michael Scrip here... You can still use it if the outlets are full and still gain 2 more outlets, plus one more USB than this device. Sure it's $10 more, but it's also 2 AC outlets and 1 USB port more too...

Explain to me how your drain would ever freeze if your home is a comfortable temperature. Maybe an outdoor sink...

I prioritize first by due date, then by importance. And, as a tiebreaker, I do what I feel like first. There's not much of a method, honestly.

@pointyblue: True, true. I forgot about the distinction. Yeah, get Beef TACO. Not the original one. If you have the original one, replace it with Beef TACO.

If you want out of advertisers tracking you, check out the TACO (Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-out) add-on for Firefox. I haven't found anything for chrome though...

I can say "Hello world!" in 3 languages now! Yay!

@vim876: Meh, they had it covered in the article.

Okay, not everyone thinks they're the best person who's ever lived... take people with severe depression, for instance... *reads next sentence* ...right. I should have known you would have covered that.

Bad news, it's herpes.

@ihityouinthenose: Yeah... Well, being in High School, all of my books are provided. And occasionally used, too. The laptop program is cutting textbooks back a bit, but still...

As soon as I do this, I'm going to need that stupid textbook I purge from my backpack next class... (and my backpack pretty much only has textbooks in it...)

I was thinking that it wouldn't work on a car with a plastic body, but then I remembered that plastic doesn't rust, then I felt like an idiot...

The Zodiac is crap. My morality teacher has said "believing horoscopes is immoral" (or something to that general effect), I say "believing horoscopes makes you a f*cking idiot"

Understanding how your brain works (or doesn't, in some cases (including mine)) can, I imagine, help you tackle a number of problems... You could probably take this article and apply it to just about anything.

Assholes turn me into an asshole. Simple as that. If someone's an asshole to me (or my friends), I'm an asshole to them.

As long as you're consistent, it doesn't really matter. For a lot of people, using two spaces is just a force of habit from learning to type on a typewriter. I use single space because that's what I've always done. I know a few teachers who double space because that's what they learned. Consistency within the same