
Oh wait, that's right. Replies aren't expanded by default.


Dear Zuckerberg:


I think this one's a unanimous "does not work as well as the screenshots say," so I'm going to pass on this.

Of course you'd allow the comments on Lifehacker. The comments here are insightful... or at least, more so than most of the other websites out there that allow comments...

@Squalor: It's not too dated. I think there are benefits to using pen and paper. Like, you remember stuff better with pen and paper than with typing.

@icrona: This is true. I have seen numbers as high as 2,000 just doing a quick look-through of my friend list (I personally have only 154)

@Firesphere: It blocks programs on a (so far as I have seen) whitelist basis. Blocking websites is nothing new, but the help desk has adapted to workarounds for that system too.

@zeeanonamouse: 1. abaci are primarily Chinese 2. abaci are used in mathematics, not when translating a story from Latin to English and 3. It's used primarily for when you're not one of the five. That, and typing translations when you are one of the five.

@GrabbinPeelz: Except they also hold a monopoly on the network itself, so that doesn't work.

@(Starman), The MIDI Man: Yeah. It sucks. I do have to experiment with renaming firefox to DyKnow.exe or something like that.

@RCDuke: Yes, this is high school, and yes, they do technically own the laptops, but it's on a lease-to-own basis (after senior year it's mine).

zOMG happy Friday peoples!

@Dustin Faulkner: Yeah, I saw that post-comment. I was about to fix my reply, but I'm kind of at school, and they shut down my firefox mid-edit.

*facepalm* Facebook, there have got to be like... a lot, of open letters about how you guys need to make this stuff an opt-in, rather than an opt-out process. I don't want to check into locations, and I don't want others to check in for me either.

@alex117: But, that's screwed up by the "Friends can check me into places" setting, which is enabled by default.

@urpwnd: I mean, does this specific filter work on gmail? I know how to do it, but I'll have to wait until like, 7:00, to get on Gmail to look myself, so I figured I'd save myself some time if it doesn't actually work with the Gmail online interface.

Pretty awesome idea. Can this be implemented in Gmail or no? Because I think I'm starting to need this (in a spirit of laziness, I don't want to go through 6o-something emails right now)

This looks like a cool concept! I also see some alternatives in the comments here, and this seems like a good idea to me. If you have something to motivate you to do something (in this case, experience points), then it's no longer work.