My backpack (standard LLBean backpack):
My backpack (standard LLBean backpack):
You know, I was going to write a "this is a lie blah blah blah" comment, but, the more I thought about it, the more my frustration increased. At which point, I was just thinking, "Seriously..."
@sumukh1001: "Best Deal-Hunting Site" - by definition, it has to be a website, the way I see it.
Crap... I go back to school (high school) tomorrow.
What I want to know is, why did you need to add "(Web-Based, Free)" to every one of these? They're all, by definition, web-based, and I sure hope a deal-hunting site is free...
@tejus.k.v: Well, if somebody has physical access to a device, the ease of hacking it skyrockets, to almost guaranteed hacking. Smudges or no, if someone physically has your phone, it's bound to be hacked.
@Kaidesho: Wait, no, it says they've been around for 6 years, so that can't be it...
Huh. It's pretty cool. Just screwing around gave me some art-looking-ish result. I can't wait to try this with a tablet pen (because mine is missing D=)
@Kaidesho: Well, he doesn't have any sort of symbol by his name (a normal dA account would have a ~ or other symbol by the name to indicate the type of account). Probably some technical error...
Look, if someone has physical access to your phone, it's over. To be paranoid about something that can only be a problem if your phone is actually physically taken from you is just impractical.
@PowertothePeaceful: Yes, in fact, all of these except Pandora,, and Slacker Radio do.
Messing around with propane when you don't really know what you're doing is really dangerous.
ooo... this one should be good/not blatantly obvious. The last few might as well have been titled "Four alternatives to program X plus program X"
6.0.472.11 dev on Windows Vista. Why? It's actually pretty stable. Well, it's not stable in the sense that nothing ever changes, but it's stable in the sense that it crashes a lot less than other browsers' stable versions. It adds a bunch of features that I really like.
Aaaand, the Lifehacker Effect strikes once again!
@ninedosus: Hey, it may be a tad ugly, but the book adding interface is beautifully simple. Not bloated and slow like Shelfari and others.
Meh... I really haven't found a good book recommendation service. All of these are more like book review services. A book recommendation service should, in my mind, reccommend you books based on demographics (i.e., a 16 year-old guy like me won't get matched with Twilight or anything of that nature) and what you have…
@lando242001: Those lists are built by the users (by voting, I think). That list is entirely a popularity contest. I ignore those lists altogether, because Twilight tops pretty much every list (both best and worst books of all time)
@wickedcupofjoe: Nah, I think it's just the extremely strong (crazy) community of "zOMG TWILIGHT IS THE BEST BOOK EVERZ!!!!!"
@KarateMedia: As far as I know, Apple/AT&T has never taken anybody to court over jailbreaking. Now they can't do that. Not much has changed at all.