
I don’t know what about it made her feel like it was a ‘gray area’, and that’s none of my business. But I think one of the grayest areas is when both people are very intoxicated, maybe even to the point of being blacked out. A girl could plausibly appear to consent while blacked out, could appear to be ‘into it’. A

You mean black men with mental issues?

They also kill themselves and usually live in extreme poverty.

You must be a feminist if you also believe in this BULLSHIT as statement. Your using homonarrative language to convey a BULLSHIT as statement. So, there ALL black men ignore and mistreat BLACK woman, huh bruh?! So, what about the countless of black male organizations that partner up with black women organizations. I

Seems like the root is becoming more and more anti black male. Very sad. It sucks they are joining the other Gawkmondo properties in creating a white friendly version of progressiveness that’s easy to gluten-sensitive white digestive tracks because we can still hate black men and be woke.

I think religous folk would regard infertility as ‘God’s will’ and would be unlikely to try surrogate pregnancy.

Hey you! Get out of here with your anecdotal facts and first hand experience with actual practicing christians!

When did an x replace an o at the end of one of my racial designators?

i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

Well, this was a bit predictable.

Is she fucking serious? If you are married, then you cannot be a feminist? What absolute horseshit. People listen to this woman?

Just to clarify, CNN actually got the context of the Spencer quote wrong. Spencer was merely suggesting that Jews use occult magic to enslave their media puppets, not that Jews themselves are soulless golem. I’m sure CNN regrets the error.

Any administrator who says those words should be fired immediately.

As near as I can figure it, the dean is saying that during the rape, she said something to the rapist that the rapist could have reasonably interpreted as meaning “if you’re going to come soon, then you can keep going, but I want you to stop now if you’re not going to come soon.” I just wish I knew exactly what the

  • “In the recording (file name: respondent_uhb_10192915_1.MP3), at timestamp 01:41:55, Dean Fabian says, “Whether that was a reasonable person would believe, so [respondent] in this case, that it should stop immediately, the way she stated it was in a way that well, if you’re not going to finish, so if he was going to

Is it bad that I opened this article, excited for there to be new content for Portal 2 ?

Really? Go on reddit and look at all the gatherings that are happening. It’s not at all isolated.

as a self professed deconstcutionist, she would disagree. Interpretation is all we have, according to the father of deconstruction, Nietzsche, so it's ok to give interpretation.

@khinky: I'll say it. I shouldn't have been born.