
The viewers-attracted-to-women gaze is a tool of the viewers-attracted-to-women-archy

Solidarity forever!

(oh, the Japanese have no actual solidarity on this? Now what?)

Anything missing with this?

There was a similar poster noted on twitter back in December which said to call about black kids or other suspicious types. Seems like some racist trolling.

That or teach people not to install them.

Context collapse.

well, ok, its the open world physics engine that I'm mostly intrigued by. Not the drug dealing or stealing either.

I'd play this game and let my kids play it if it didn't use all the f-bombs and cussing.

Yeah, he starts off saying violence against black bodies starts with black parents spanking their kids more than whites.

Or they are convinced that if a white man had behaved similarly in all respects except race, the outcome would have been no different.

if a white man did what wilson claims he did, would a white person expect a very different outcome. [no] if a white man of Garner's health had been selling loosies, would he have died

The law deals with "mens rea": a guilty mind. To be guilt of Murder One, you had to have malice aforethought, not just the heat of the moment. If you're asking if Wilson had a guilty racist mind, he most likely didn't in legal terms. That's the LEGAL questions.

We could make up a different legal standard, like "did

of course not: its a political language choice.

so, is there a pic where it is right next to an object of known size, or just the likely foreshortened hand way in the back?

Neither is the young man in the article. He has an attraction he feels is completely natural to him that he can't change. Its not substantively different from an orientation. His orientation necessitates that fulfilling it is criminal, which is why we use different semantic terms, but substantively they are more

seems like a mere semantic difference.

Those track police reports. What percentage of public anonymous accusations are false.

"the ancient Greeks did not conceive of sexual orientation in the way we do now"

Kirk "married to her ship" will take on new meaning, and new civilization.

lived experience, but also a matter of the polis. We all live in the polis and find ourselves variously validated and invalidated by it. Sometimes the polis is offended. This hits especially when the norms of the polis, based on what is common, are said to be inherently offensive.