
Duck doesnt believe in science.


Where was this gorilla’s mother? If this gorilla’s mother was watching, this wouldn’t have happened. She is probably a dead beat.

Don’t worry everyone, a Trump Wall will make this technology obsolete. That is how walls work!

“Well, in most cases religion served to provide civilized structure in place of law”

Basically, religion was started because people didn’t know what was going on. But now we have math and science. Religion needs to go.

I disagree. By ‘bring the fight to them’, all I mean is that religion should be debatable. I dont mean a physical fight.

“all religious wars were fought for power and control”

It was a Verizon mistake. I had used 192.47 MB, they were showing that I had used 19,247 GB.

Also, my girlfriend switched to Verizon about a year ago. We walked into a Verizon store and the sales rep actually said to us something along the lines of “we dont really rely on contracts that much anymore, our contracts are much more conversational”

To that I said “I call bullshit on that one, buddy! This is a

When I bought my last phone, I first called Verizon’s direct number to see what they could about reducing my bill. The woman on the phone offered me a couple discounts. I then went into my local Verizon store and tried to get the discounts from them. It turned out that my local store couldn’t give me the discounts

The guy from Verizon actually laughed. He hadn’t heard of anyone else having the issue, but assured me that it was a Verizon problem. I was good with that because I actually have an app on my phone that records conversations. So I said “I am recording this call, thanks!”

Yea, I dont know what happened, the “My Verizon” app is usually completely accurate, but for a few days in July there was an issue. When it first popped up I almost had a heart attack. Since I was on vacation, and connected to wifi at a beach house, I immediately thought that it was because I hadn’t actully connected

Crime? I am not talking about crime, buddy. I am talking about wars.

I am completely tolerant of religion. It is my opinion, however that religion is ridiculous. That is not a bigoted statement.

While I was on vacation I got a notification saying that I was 19,000% over my data limit. It was obvious that for some reason the verizon app was having a MB/GB issue, but I called them anyway. The guy from verizon said the bill would be $38,000.

“Best of all is the helicopter tail.”

I call them “circles”, and just saying the word makes my dog do them.

Check out the original image on fotoforensics, it looks fake to me, maybe not though. Ive never been able to figure out exactly how that website works:

I agree with Kspraydad. Religion is the biggest mistake that society has ever made. It is time to bring the fight to them.


Exactly. I went into a Verizon store a few months ago and was asking some questions about their contract. The representative there was promising things that obviously were not going to be fullfilled. I started to call him on this and he said “these days we are a lot more conversational with our contracts.” And to that