
I thought the whole idea/plan for the uae was that in a couple dozen years the oil will be gone. So while the oil money is flowing they decided to build up the country into a tourist attraction for the rich. Once the oil money is gone they will have this new rich people economy to rely on.

That's what I saw too. Wow! Unless the crane, for some reason, has that curve built into it.

Some day though, I might just be like "HOLY FUCK, thats the field of snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I have had this one recurring dream/partial dream for years - maybe since I was 10 years old. Its really just a scene - this vivid field of snow. Its perfectly pristine, not a track on it. Then I look away, and when I look back there are tons of tracks across the snow. It is perfectly visualized in my head. I

What about loose lips?

I clicked through where you payments have gone though, and you are pretty closely connected to the seized Silk Road coins....

Zero Bitcoins...

"I always wanted to go in a manhole"

Ive never been a fan of this. It blows peoples minds when you show them how quickly it works, but I find that it doesnt stay folded as well as the traditional method.

I disagree with everything that you said here.

Dear Gizomodo and fellow Gizmodo-ites,

"Stuff you should know" just did a podcast on him. It was pretty interesting, you should listen to it. Among other things, it talks about the fact that his second wife was suspected of abusing him. Suspected, because he never pressed charges against her. Also, someone asked him at one point something along the

Looks like they could speed up that conveyor belt a bit.

I am not really all that stressed out about it, but this is up there on my list of scariest things. Think about it, a big asteroid strikes the other side of the earth. You feel a big jolt of the earth moving under your feet, then gravity gets all shifted around. All hell breaks loose. You go to check online, but

Im going there next week! I was a little worried, so actually looked it up today, I guess they are not funded by the government, so they should be open.

Now playing

There are a lot of these programs, I think 123d was originally called photofly. I tried it when it first came out, I thought the results were pretty good.

Expanded View

I guess my comment wasnt double posted before, and I deleted it.


At 2:30 it looks like they are more than friends...