
damn, beat me by 3 minutes...

Self aware? My phone has an ambient light sensor. When the lights go out, it adjust the screen brightness. Does that make it self aware too?

Looks more like this to me:

Found it, looks like about 30 bucks per kg.

I have always wondered about how much the "ink" costs for 3d printers. It cant be cheap. The problem with regular printers has always been the expensive cost of ink. Anyone know how much 3d printer "ink" costs?

I'm currently running for mayor of this section of nowhere.

That's a dude.

This sounds logical to me.

Wasn't it just a month ago that the gun advocates were all up in arms about constitutional rights being infringed upon? Where are they now? If the NRA and all them want to legitimize what they were saying then, why aren't they throwing millions of dollars at this fight against the sanctity of Amendment 4?

I moved to a small town in Montana a few years ago from Philadelphia. A few weeks ago, I reserved the library conference room to hold a meeting I had last week. It turns out that in the couple of weeks since I had made the reservation, the library hours changed. The doors were locked when I got there to use the

Agreed, I always say "on time is 15 minutes late"

I dont know why people cant figure out the whistling with two fingers thing, that is the most convenient whistle, and its really not that hard. Here is a diagram:


We have a screened in back porch. There is an interior window that opens into another room. We were going to screw hooks into the wall, but then came up with the clever idea to throw a 2x4 through the window and put hooks on it, instead of the wall. The set up easily holds 3 bikes. Its not necessarily the

I had someone call me saying that I had a balance on a really old ebay account. He told me the best way to solve the problem was to send immediate payment. I really didn't remember anything about the account, and I don't have access to the email address that it is connected to. I told the debt collector that I

"This marks the first time the X-47B, or any UAV for that matter, has ever taken off from a carrier at sea."

Surely, you jest!

People have spent large amounts of money on bitcoin mining because there is money to be made from it. But look at the advances that have been made with just this one generation of systems. Until now, a profitable bitcoin mining rig would cost tens of thousands of dollars. Now, a comparable system costs as little as

I used to work out an outdoor store. We sold Thule and Yakima boxes. To save space, we would hang them from the ceiling. You would be surprised how often people would come in and ask "how much are the bobsleds?"
