
Whoa. I actually came up with an idea like this just yesterday, while talking with a good friend of mine about his experiences growing up in Iran in the 80s.

Yeah, not to be a stickler, but 9 centuries B.C. plus 2014 years A.D. comes up a little short of 9000... or maybe they're trying to say that the 9000 year old artifact was uncovered in an archaeological dig site from 2900 B.C.! THAT would be trippy.

Patrick Beverley vs. Russell Westbrook sounds like a British boxing match.

So now we live in a world where it's OK to be an asshole because if your douchebaggery is a problem for someone, they're just being overly sensitive?

This is a good opportunity to not make bigoted comments or claims that betray a basic ignorance of how gender identity and/or human biology work.

I'm super interested to hear people's thoughts about Maggie coming into the bar. I understand Rust is carrying a grudge, but I felt like there was more to that scene that I wasn't fully understanding. Was there more to them after their liaison?

One thing is for certain though, I'm taking back all my crazy conspiracy

They were playing the Knicks. They could have won playing with just four.

Tell us how you feel about Vegas

Two of the largest publishers, Macmillan and Peguin Random House, are owned by Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck and Bertelsmann respectively.

Could you explain the reference you make to Germany / Big Content?

Ooh, ooh, can I play? I wouldn't pick countries as enemies though; that's pretty twentieth century. Here are some actual dangerous players in the world today:

What I find interesting is how closely public opinion follows what the Federal Government tells the media who our enemies should be. Manufacturing consent all the way.

Strangely, 1% of Americans list South Korea as the primary enemy. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest they actually meant North Korea. If that's the case, then North Korea should actually be listed at 17%, positioning it slightly ahead of Iran.

Also terrifying because you could be working on nothing.

I love when people comment on things just to let everyone know they don't care.

I don't know why Lynch is so excited. As a professional athlete, you would think he's seen a Brazilian waxed before.

There has been far too little discussion of the fact that Marshawn opted out of the final 9 minutes of the Super Bowl. He told the coaches and his teammates that he was done, and when asked by Pete Carroll if he wanted to go back out and get a 2nd TD, he replied with a Marshawn-esque "nah." Dude could've gone in for 1

Or there is a robot God...

"Proof that there is a God and she is whimsical."

yeah, I'm in the same boat. I'm great at a couple of times a week but my wife is the same way yours is.