
I still don't get it.

If only people would apply that same logic to the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Carmelo was dreaming of being a void in space that was growin exponentially when things would fly into his being, i.e. balls. Planets, play off chances, everything would disappear.

Espn gives zero faux.

Espn gives zero faux.

"My sons going to grow into an amazing qb; he keeps asking for pig skin".

My friend just introduced me to this game/community and his opinion is very similar to yours, he enjoys taking a support role utilizing flash and allowing others to mine/farm not sure the difference, but I joined him after dl and I went 1/5/1 on my first go, I am what he would call a casual gamer who is really good at

It's rolling over.

Your out of control.lol

Yea, now I masturbate with shame as I stare at my iPad, that's the price I pay to keep America free.

Don't go chasing client calls, stick to the shitty talent you have already signed!

We love you, don't ever change.

Now playing

"From NY and never was a fan of the Knicks." - big L ahead of his time in so many ways.

Direct this amazing energy and enthusiasm to your camera operator, he's still in portrait mode!

Lacan's work on psychoanalysis has a great response to this, "I am lying", the simple paradox broken down.

Andre Johnson thought he was donating to Quarterback Protective Services.

+1 Freud reference.


We rack diciprine.

We rack diciprine.