My favorite was the person who actually thought Trump’s “locker room talk” took place in a locker room.
My favorite was the person who actually thought Trump’s “locker room talk” took place in a locker room.
Looks like eyes are the only thing he doesn’t have trouble poking. HEYOOO!
Chanukah Lewinski is so good.
Of all the Clinton conspiracy theories, I’ve never understood how this one is even supposed to reflect poorly on her. Huma Abedin is very attractive and much younger than Clinton. I’d be pretty damn impressed.
I think I’ve seen that movie.
Is Seinfeld the show with the most developed comedic voice for its characters? Both literally, in the sense that you can’t help but hear the cast speaking the dialogue if you read it under their picture in the game, and figuratively where you could easily remove all the names from a script and still be able to easily…
Every episode I’ve seen so far has been 90% really good and 10% kind of clumsy and on-the-nose, like the writers would panic and be afraid audiences weren’t going to pick up what they were putting down unless it was more obvious. I could very easily see it getting even better as they develop a little more confidence…
Do you think garbagemen want to pick up garbage?
Sounds like a real coup d’etot.
That guy was very rude to Andrew Garfield.
Both dictionary definitions of the word “schmuck” should involve pictures of Anthony Weiner.
I’ve never seen this show, but from the trailers I always thought it seemed like Person of Interest : warrantless surveillance :: 24 : torture. This description does make it sound a bit more nuanced than I was giving it credit for though.
He wasn’t the guy who dropped the grenade, you dumb fucking hillbilly.
He could also go on tour with one of Josh Homme’s bands.
My little brother lived in Australia for a year and his friend was also punched randomly by a stranger (not in the face, but broke some ribs). Is this a common thing there?
Well, yeah, you’ve got to save the big guns for the real dangerous protesters: unarmed hippies and Native Americans.
Take a fucking Xanax, Joe Walsh.
“I mean, it’s not so much a screenplay as a series of vignettes, you know, like Jim Jarmusch.”
I like pretending this headline has nothing to do with any kind of pop culture and this woman’s boyfriend just ended up coming to terms with his sexuality and leaving her for a YouTuber in skinny jeans.
Oh, cut him a little slack. It’s not like casinos are the most profitable business model in the world....