Amazing. Thank you, troll(s)! You finally did what all the Opie and Anthony fans in the world failed to do, get rid of the comment system 100% of people hated.
Amazing. Thank you, troll(s)! You finally did what all the Opie and Anthony fans in the world failed to do, get rid of the comment system 100% of people hated.
I'm shocked to learn that a guy like that has trouble getting it up. You mean that's not the behavior of a totally secure man?
If you click the recommendation again it takes the star away, FYI. Don't worry though, I wasn't filing the information away.
Because he can't stop thinking about their genitalia and he doesn't understand why.
"Distraction" is one of those dog whistle words like "thug." It just means "In my day we wouldn't have allowed it, so I'm against it." See: Sam, Michael.
I wish she was a lefty. I've always thought the best legitimate chance for a female professional athlete in a male league was a sidearm/submarine lefty specialist relief pitcher in MLB.
I've never watched a NASCAR race in my life, so I have no dog in this fight, but Stewart will never face charges for this.
No way he's ever charged. This isn't even just famous guy privilege, you or I could go out tonight and drive fairly negligently and kill somebody and as long as we were sober and didn't leave the scene we would be okay. Juries are loathe to convict in car accidents because everybody has almost run somebody over before…
It occurred to me the other day that pilot is one of the few occupations (judge is another that springs to mind) that elicit an automatic sense of respect and/or gravitas among most people. Stories like this, you can see why.
I have not met Jim Rome. He is an asshole.
You don't have a lot of consensual sex, do you?
This is definitely going to be the Russian media take. I don't doubt the motive, necessarily, but I don't think the Ukrainian government could pull something like this off so close to the border. That's pretty far behind enemy lines for them for them to be pulling off some flawless black ops shit. Far, far more likely…
I kind of agree with Manuel Noriega. If I had a dollar for every time I wrote that, I'd have a dollar.
Well done.
You can't fool me, there ain't no sanity clause!
Man, who is looking at Lindsay Lohan these days and going "wow, I bet she has a great vagina?" I mean, if you're going to literally objectify a woman, that's an odd choice. I guess maybe it's for people that are looking to add to their plastic vagina collection for completeness, not trying to find one plastic vagina…
Our society of "shooting people up" has less shooting of people than it has in twenty-five years. Going to need a better justification than that. Of course, you did include the adjective that actually explains the cop's behavior.
It's not really hypocritical because he wasn't really complaining about assumed heterosexuality as much as just noting it, but that's still a very astute observation.
Now that's some tasty snark.