
To me the most interesting part of the study is the unspoken subtext that if there /is/ a secret sauce to drafting it hasn't been nailed down yet. One can imagine something akin to the Moneyball-era A's in baseball where a shrewd GM could really get a leg up on his contemporaries if he figured out a superior way to

I'm not the one who called anybody a pussy, first of all, and I also drew a distinction between being an actual victim of a crime and just being local to it.

That's totally fair. My comment was directed more at those who actually equate their personal discomfort at art towards actually making a judgement on whether or not it should exist at all, it's clear from this comment that wasn't what you meant, so mea culpa for directing my pontification unfairly in your direction.

Hey, they have Internet in the Third World, I could be there! (I'm not)

With all due respect saying "too soon" to a ten-year old movie about crimes that took place in your same general area is just about the definition of a first world problem. Just be happy the only snipers you or I are likely to ever see going forward are on a TV screen.

My little cousins love it when I do this to them. They aren't 250 pound Italians though.

If Hollywood has taught me anything it's that this guy won't serve six months before NYPD is brought to its knees by a gang of high-speed jewel thieves driving circles around their squad cars. Deep in the recesses of police headquarters the chief will pour himself a shot of whiskey, turn to his long-suffering

California and are you arguing that severity of violence makes no difference? I'm merely skeptical of a study that treats a scratched arm and a shattered nose as equal acts of violence and repulsed by one that tries to imply that the first act actually /justifies/ the second. Since we're all quoting first hand

I, too speak from FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE - and perhaps more importantly in this case speak from knowledge of official law enforcement procedure. If these personal experiences went down exactly as described than your problem is with individual cops not handling things in a professional manner (shocker!) but you are

"In the video above" is the very /definition/ of anecdotal. You are the one assuming that the woman would face no consequences if charges were filed given the video evidence I have little doubt this would not be the case. I'm just stating the facts: women are much more likely to be seriously injured, raped, or killed

I can also say (with my source being the local sheriff's department) that the policy on domestic disputes is to arrest either partner if the other has visible injuries. That is why the arrest numbers you are dismissive of favor the women much higher than certain recent academic studies (many of which have the stated

You sure are quick to draw far-reaching conclusions from one Canadian study - and even quicker to entirely dismiss two major (and correlated) factors when you throw out arrest data and skip right by severity of injury. If a woman slaps a man and he fractures the woman's skull in return those go down as equal events

Yeah, it's almost like men are massively more likely to commit violence towards women than vice versa. But no, I'm sure your anecdotal woman-beating men stories tell the tale better than reams of law enforcement and academic research.

Henderson that is not Cerrone don't know why it wouldn't let me edit it.

It wasn't even a knockout (though arguably still the difference-maker in a close decision it just looked so damn bad ass everybody assumes Cerone left in a stretcher.

Nothin' wrong with rooting against the Jesus freaks. Where is your god now, Tebow?

Maybe they'd get better results nailing the bosses to those crosses than themselves.