Does he get alternate costumes in all the worlds now, or at least in ones where he had alternate costumes to begin with? Can you change back to the old ones or are you stuck with the new ones?
Does he get alternate costumes in all the worlds now, or at least in ones where he had alternate costumes to begin with? Can you change back to the old ones or are you stuck with the new ones?
Dude, a can of Pringles is like $2, that's half the budget!
When Roger Godwin had an argument with his fiancé she threw a plate on the ground and a shrapnel recoiled and killed her. At that point in time Godwin died and Plate-man was born, he knew he had to fight all dying love so that no men shall ever live the suffering he endured. PLATE-MAN!
Plate Man from Mega Man 13? I love that guy!
Fuck yeah body diversity! They all look awesome and look like they're loving it! Yay!
Sailor Saturn has to to be my fav, but they are all amazing!!
Sailor Scouts are normally tough gals, what with the fighting evil by moonlight thing, but that doesn't mean they…