
More proof that nobody ever need visit New Jersey

I really like this, I'll probably steal some of these ideas

Condensation wouldn't be made where the bottle is in the soup. As for the small amount of the bottle sticking out, I would think that there wouldn't be enough water to notice a difference of an entire crockpot worth of soup.

Hmmm... I wonder how the syncing works. Perhaps magnets interacting with the compass?

I agree for facebook messenger. It works really well with group messaging and it will at least make multiple notifications if you have texts from more than one person.

Maybe they'll give you a card that links to all your other cards and you can switch which card it charges with an app...

Maybe they'll give you one card to carry and you can select which card it charges using an app?

But tomorrow (At least in the US) is the 25th. So will it be the 25th or the 26th?

I did the exact same thing with the One X. I saw jellybean and knew I would be waiting a year and a day if I didn't get a galaxy nexus.