
Sucks sharing a planet with other people, doesn't it.

Except it's not only her face that people are defending. It's the face of many, many others who look exactly like her that have never done anything remotely 'evil' or 'nefarious'. Have you ever looked around when you go outside? I see twenty people a day who look like this. We're criticizing branding people based

I agree. All I see is a person who maybe looks a bit grumpy. She could as easily be a weary bus driver, or a neighbour who's sick of your shit. Or absolutely anyone else.

I moved into a new apartment this week only to discover that the neighbours on all sides of me seem to own subwoofers and favour bass & drum heavy music. I'm not even sure that they have their music particularly loud, or if it's just a matter of walls, low-frequency sound and physics, but it's driving me mad and

In retrospect, some of the dumbest choices I've made in my adult life were made chasing and attempting to satisfy the most publicized requirements of adulthood, and over time I've come to understand that this discussion exists primarily to belittle the choices of others while validating one's own choices, and that the

I didn't know anything about Lena prior to seeing Girls for the first time. I watched it because it was on HBO and HBO has a pretty good track record. I thought it was honest, funny, insightful and several other good things. I didn't always like the characters or their choices, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed

Shit, 33.8% should be great news if your fear is that it's 100%.

That's probably true, but it occurs to me that the percentages in this study do line up roughly with penis size statistics, in that 60% have average sized penises, 30% above average, and 10% below (those numbers vary depending on the study). To some degree that could speak to a comparable variation in vaginas.

Yuck, no thanks. I'll take the hangover.

As a guy with a foreskin, I can assure you that it is not functionless. In fact, I get a lot more use out of it than I do my testicles and expect that trend to continue until they plant me in the ground.

I don't like either. Living human women, yech! Sterilized silicone fauxginas only.

I thought it was entertaining, but it's not a smart film by any stretch. Prometheus, while art, is not necessarily good art. There's a lot of sound and fury that in the end doesn't signify much of anything. Ingmar Bergman is an artist. Terrence Malick and Lars Von Trier. Woody Allen and David Mamet. All of

Financial stability often has nothing to do with how mature someone is or isn't. There's few people on this earth who can afford to drop $300+ on one evening out, but there's plenty who are $20 away from paying the rent. I don't think being poor means you should have to accept a life of solitude, and having a second

Yeah, I guess that is the gist of what I had in mind. Ordinarily I could better articulate it; I'll blame the drugs.

Many of the comments so far underestimate the number of slim women out there who also believe that men deserve slim women, and would be happy to sign on for this event. Some of these men will be getting laid. I've heard plenty of fat-shaming rhetoric from women over the years, and to say: ugh, what disgusting men!

Not totally sure about this but, if memory serves, I think it's just one guy from New Jersey that sends out all of the cock shots to you ladies. The rest of us have nothing to do with it, and we certainly don't approve.

Sunday nights and lingering hangovers have a way of disrupting my thought process. It wasn't my intent to tell others how to feel, and I definitely see how it reads that way now, so I'm thinkin' your response was justified. :)

You're right, of course. There was no good reason to share that opinion. To elaborate a bit: it didn't set off my creep alarm so much as my desperate-to-win-argument-grasping-at-straws alarm. All I really saw was a guy trying too hard to defend a losing viewpoint. But yeah, my comment wasn't necessary.

Fair enough. I humbly apologize and withdraw the comment.

I don't agree with T_Beermonster's assessment of the photos, and I understand your frustration, but I've read through the threads in question and I think the creep characterization is unfair and exaggerated and that you and Celia Valerie are making a lot out of very little.