
It’s really simple. People insult you because you’re asking irrelevant questions, in bad faith, in an effort to run cover for cruel policies and acts. Your attempt to redirect from the actual issue—the treatment of immigrants—and re-frame the discussion in broader terms, is clumsy sleight of hand, and the people who

The cruelty of the method is the Nazi behavior. But of course you know that, and your question is deliberately obtuse bullshit.

It’s only hypocrisy if you fundamentally misunderstand or deliberately misconstrue what the left means by ‘tolerance’. There is no tenet of leftism, and never has been—expect in the imaginations of its opponents—that demands tolerance and kindness be extended to every individual, malignant asshole. Or to racists,

I’m not a Satanist, but having been raised Christian, and surrounded by Christian culture, Satan as a symbol of rebellion, freedom and the rejection of puritanical thought & authoritarianism resonates with me on a quasi-spiritual level. I’m aware that sounds a bit goofy, but it’s some quirk of my psychology shaped by

He’s spiritually racist, but not religiously racist. It’s a free-form, personal racism, not strict orthodox racism that includes klan meetings and shit

It seems like a reasonable criticism on a blog that actively promotes body positivity and takes others to task for body shaming. I’m sure Jezebel has plenty of non-racist, non-violent chinless readers. And if you’re not going to practice what you preach, what’s the point?

Lately, addicting in place of addictive is the shift that causes me the most discomfort. Addictive is a perfectly good word!

No one knows what the fuck you're talking about and no one cares. You might as well go back to 4chan.

Do you guys just lie in wait for articles like this one or what? Or is there an app that sends feminist hypocrisy alerts to your phone? Look on the bright side: you got to tell everyone about your above average penis!

I'm so weary of this brand of disingenuous, slimeball sophistry. Reality check: not everyone is a dense, callous piece of shit because you are a dense, callous piece of shit. And even if that were the case, so what? Why not set the bar higher? Even a six-year-old can understand that another's bad

I was actually joking. I think I'm just too believable as a fuckwit.

I can't believe you feminazis are trying to suggest that the quality of a show is proportional to the number of women on the writing staff. Unless I'm being an obtuse fuckwit, and you really just mean to say that it's nice to see a writing staff with so many women on it for a change.

When I'm single, I have more time to obsess over health things like weird moles and other ailments. Sometimes I'll check out each weird bump and suspicious blotch in the mirror, over and over, all day long, and at a variety of angles, until I've sufficiently convinced myself it's not quite normal and that I should

I hate eating while high. It makes me too aware of the mechanical nuances of the entire process and feels like a lot of work.

That's a fair point, though I think there's still a wide gulf between stories with sexual undertones, particularly those from early childhood, and outright sexual assault. Child molestation is not an accusation to make lightly, and I truly don't believe the excerpts I've read this week support it. I'll

Well, maybe I ought to track down the book and read it cover to cover. I do know, having read the photographed page that contains that particular metaphor, that with its omission there's absolutely nothing else within the text suggesting sexual intent. Manipulative? Sure. But seriously: cross that

I sure am tired of reading: but she called herself a sexual predator! No, she didn't. Only if you lack basic reading comprehension skills would you interpret it that way in context. She likened the tactics she was using to win her sister's non-sexual affection (her explicitly stated goal) to that of a

I dislike Christianity, Islam and Judaism. I do, however, quite like the vast majority of Christians, Muslims, and Jewish people. Sounds impossible, but it's true! It's sort of like how I dislike Wal-Mart, but I like most Wal-Mart employees. It is not intolerant to be critical of that which is fundamentally

But, but...lighten up! It's not like you'll be subjected to many, many variations of that tedious, sexist joke, delivered by many, many variations of that tedious, sexist douchebag, over and over and over and over for the rest of your adult life! Relax, sweetheart!

Has anyone else, having watched videos like this one prior to their own dental surgery, been kind of disappointed by the quality of the drugs? They did their job during the surgery, but I got almost nothing from them afterward. I felt a bit ripped off.