
I've on several occasions drank for 30+ hours (which for me equates to approx. 35-40 beer) without either blacking out or stumbling, and never with the aid of other substances. It probably varies from person to person, but as PaintedTrollop said it could easily be tolerance, because these people are alcoholics. Not

How else would guests to my home discover how well-read and brilliant I am if not for the shelves of books on display that I'm going to get around to reading someday?

I hate to disappoint, but I don't think I really have any good ones. At one hotel I worked at, within a period of a month or so, two separate guests (and the second claimed to not know the first) told me that they woke up to find something otherworldly laying next to them in bed, and both had stayed in the same room

The times I've seen this happen (a key given to a stranger) were a matter of rooms being scrambled in the management software and unfortunately nothing to do with IDing. I can remember walk-ins being assigned to occupied rooms because the computer thought the rooms were empty (due to operator error). New front desk

I'm pretty goddamned tired of constantly being subjected to nonsensical public tantrums - all of that screaming and crying over the silliest, most trivial things - so I sure hope it doesn't become acceptable for kids to behave that way too.

I think I'm being single wrong. Sex once a year would be an improvement.

I think part of the reason I've defended it in the past is because I do believe that procreation/survival is the primary goal or at least has been until very recently. Most other pursuits appear (at least on the surface) to be either superficial or in some way serve that larger goal. And though we might not always

So it's often just bad science. That's a bummer. It must be because of the limitations, and not some desire for justification over explanation? I'll have to give it a closer look, because I've occasionally defended it without really knowing enough about it just because I'm so fascinated by evolution itself. And

Well hopefully most people don't dismiss it just because they don't like the implications. There's a lot of unfair, shitty things about nature that I'd bet on being true, and I have to believe that it's better to know what's true and then work with it from there.

The results of this study probably don't conflict with evolutionary psychology, actually. The quality of the sperm wouldn't be the be-all-end-all, and so in terms of just evolution it certainly all fits. UberMales would be more likely to aggressively provide for and defend the family unit, allowing the females to

What's with all the hate for evolutionary psychology around here? Dismissing an entire field seems kinda nutty to me - are its methods really so unsound and its conclusions that baseless?

There's YouTube in Hell and this is every search result. Repent, sinners.

I'm guessing you're not a Cormac McCarthy fan.

Alright, fair enough. How about We invited JFK, Stalin and the strippers? That's two solutions!

We invited the strippers JFK and Stalin or We invited the strippers: JFK and Stalin. Nuts to the Oxford comma!

It also makes a hangover considerably more unpleasant.

I'm never angry when I drink, but always slightly mad. Time is an illusion.

Believe in Santa, don't believe in Santa - either way the magic drains, the spirit petrifies and all you're left with is the grim understanding that the universe - vast, indifferent, and devoid of deliberate order and intelligible meaning - has pushed you and everyone you love one year closer to cold and lonely

An ex once hid three empty pizza boxes in the oven during some sort of weird, misguided cleaning effort. I came home from work and turned on the oven to preheat it. In retrospect, the oven likely would have contained the fire, but I panicked when I opened it back up and the inside was engulfed in flames - partly

Earlier today someone mentioned chat rooms in another thread, and I was reminded how much I enjoyed (and how much time I wasted) chatting on mIRC during the mid to late 90's. Exciting strangers from all over the world! Group discussions in real-time! But I just checked it out and was disappointed to discover that