
I guess you didn't watch the video. The owner knows the guy is living there otherwise I'm sure he would have gotten the boot sooner or later. Detroit is a place you have to see to believe, but you need a guide because if you stick to the freeway you won't see much. Cruise around Google maps and you will see block

I guess the game begins... They used to be more open about this stuff and were proud to show off what they had learned and or created... I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

...or worse yet, more meetings.

I use a Seagate hybrid in mine, works pretty well and definitely a large improvement.

Yea, it's not an Apple.

I actually just quit my freelance gig last week (have this week off, but not by choice) and then head back to the 9-5. I'm super excited as it's a cutting edge company with tons and tons of servers with a real team (plus a friend works on the Linux side although I'll be Windows). It's going to kick ass!

Ok so I guess my example failed, but you get the idea... How about calling the Army when you fall down the stairs and break your leg?

I'm a little confused as to why they would target the CIA. That's like targeting Homeland Security for something going on in China.

The term nerd has more to do with the lack of social skill. If you have friends, can carry a conversation (on topic and not about your ant farm), and are generally fun to be around you can't be a nerd.

Don't forget your furnace humidifier...

Last time I checked commercials exist to create buzz or to sell a product. Just because you see them for more than they are doesn't change their purpose. Your argument is no different than saying the Pinto is the best car of all time because it had the best shift knob ever according to the shift knob association of

I completely disagree. While it might provide an employment gap, it does provide you with substance that goes well beyond a years worth of job experience.

...or even when you're lost driving through northern Cali with no cell signal when there are fires blocking the freeway.

Thanks man, honestly I know how everyone feels, because I feel the same. The difference is when it comes to mom and dad you really should make an exception especially considering for years on end you were a complete idiot that didn't even know how to walk let alone talk ;)

First of all I never defended what these cops did, but I would assume it's easier to try and put words in my mouth than to try to defend a pathetic argument where every cop is a bad cop. Sorry, but I stopped there as it's obvious that you live in a world that only exists in your mind.

That seems strange considering most enterprises virtualize EVERYTHING ;) The last beta I used of Workstation 8 was pretty slick, just can't spend that kind of coin so I run a VMWare Server instead.

Where are these pages located? I would like to take advantage of your hard work... ;)

I’ve been into computers for about 20 years now and have been the go to support to my family for all of that time. My mom was constantly having problems and unfortunately I had let my frustration get the better of me and eventually put her on ignore and explained that she needed to either learn or I couldn’t help her

Everyone knows you use Great Stuff not Fix-a-Flat!

I don’t think you truly understand that our laws and these cops that you dislike so much are the cage holding back the strong from reacting against the weak. You shouldn’t be too worried about a response from cops or the military to protest, what you should worry about is what fellow citizens would do if the cage door