
Right so what you're saying is that porting your number is a bad idea and that you're better off using GV like you used to (get a new number and forward it)?

The issue I'm getting at is if big G goes down what then?

I've been using the same pad for around 10 years now. I'm not sure if they still make them (EDIT: they do), but if they do they are the way to go.

I'm a little leery about this which is why I haven't kept up on it. Call me crazy, but when it comes to a device that I rely on for more than just personal chatter (meaning in case of emergency or the like) I prefer to go with an actual phone company.

No you're right I completely forgot about the 500gb size... I have one in my MB the thing screams.

If you live in an apartment I don't see it as pathetic. If you have to pack up a house, sell the house and take a bath on it sure.

No, the past... CRT... ;)

I think you meant to say you'll get back to your 7th grade algebra class.

"Seriously, when I used to have PCs, I was CONSTANTLY upgrading them so they'd play the newest game or run the newest graphics software. With a Mac, I only have to upgrade every 6+ years, and even then I'd be cool if I didn't."

It shouldn't have been released without one. While I can appreciate their stance they are still a company out to profit from products which they create and this isn't how you do it.

Yea sucks is a bit extreme, I just miss having 2k vertical to play with.

Nah the first ones just run that fast on stock voltage (still using speed step), it's pretty crazy how fast they are.

Web browser? What's that? Is that like Outlook?

Why don't they just use a hybrid drive I wonder? Guess they hate Seagate?

They do have an undisclosed limit just like Comcast used to. If they view your usage as abusive they can make a claim under any number of things in the TOS.

Sure guy, your 6 year old Mac plays the latest games... Especially since they were not even x86 then...

Too bad the vertical still sucks. :(

I guess I could say I have been running a 3.7ghz i7 w/ tri-channel since 2008... Nice to see you guys on the desktop catching up. ;)

I always buy their referbs.

That whole mess started with Adobe sinking a small fortune into Coca and Apple taking a crap on their lawn... At least that's how I remember it going down.