
Forget it (meaning never mind).

One thing I picked up from traveling for work on a regular basis was the ability to sleep on the plane. I board, sit down, tuck my chin into my chest, and wake up when we are landing.

That wasn't 25b in MB...

I wound up there the same way. I had 15 or so domains with them and by a weird coincidence all the ones I wanted to keep wound up at GoDaddy. Not sure if you remember but RF's domains were scattered among the major hosts.

Stole the words right out of my mouth! They just need rubber bands on them...

I think you underestimate the size of Samsung...


Either forward them to one another (keep all the addresses but reduce the boxes you login to) or use an email client. Personally I would use a client as you could break out the email into folders and what not using rules.

Many of us (not on my main account) have had content yanked or even our account nuked from the exact same rule violation. The system goes off of reports and then if the person taken out complains they will review it. That's how it works. The system doesn't care if you're gay, straight, orange, green, yellow, or

You don't need to travel anywhere to see people eating the crap we throw away.

Yes, inside and next to an airport...

If I was the guy hiring at Apple I think I would be looking at guys from Amazon, Ebay, ThePlanet, Iron Mountain, etc. rather than MS, but shows what I know.

No man, you don't get it, they don't want to sit in the house if they are going to spend that kind of money on a movie. I can't believe your work training is that good that they already have you believing in this...

I 3rd the flask suggestion. I've been given a flask, ipod, and a gift certificate... If I could only keep one it would be the flask as I use it relatively often. Then again, if your buddies don't drink booze then get them purses.

Mine might do a 152 at 28hz... >.<

It wasn't me, it was all over the news in the 80's.

hahah yea... He has a forum if you didn't know, some cool cats over there.

Obviously this was part of your training literature...

Most families will wait for the rental rather than waste money they don't need to considering that this is no different than renting it if you don't mind waiting (or have no choice but to wait because it's all you can afford). It's also worth mention that for many families going to the movies is a night out and

To this day I still won't drink Coors (well now that I'm older I wouldn't anyways, but even in the HS/College days) since they had the same problem... That was something like 20 years ago now?! Wow I'm old...