
Did you check the wake on settings for the keyboard and mouse already? Device manager, keyboard properties, power management.

I think you miss the point, religion has no business being part of the decision making process and those that do use religion as a deciding factor can not be trusted. Their decisions are based on faith rather than fact.

I still don't use a manager and found that article to be based on a generalization because I can do it in my head and I don't like relying on a piece of software to do it for me. The odds are in your favor that nothing will ever happen, but I don't like those odds.

Cedar Point? Where ever it is, good luck!

Maybe the USB is powering down now too? I assume when you say walk across the room it's because you have a wireless usb setup.

I hate the size of my phone, I loved the size of my Hero though... Wish they would have kept that form factor and just made it faster...

Since when is Iran run by the Pope?

They struggle because they forgot why the public started using it in the first place. A slimmed down faster version of Mozilla/Netscape. It turned into a complete pig a long time ago, but hopefully they are back on track.

I wish more networks did this more often. It gets really old listening to their stuff completely screw up what's going on because they don't understand it.

Just one thing I would like to point out, the pools of spent fuel were without water a few days ago which is what they had thought caused that fire. If you haven't yet, try checking out [www.world-nuclear-news.org] , they have some great articles.

It's way out of date. Look at his updates with "woooah" and "uh oh"... Get the idea?

That was at the gate meaning the entire compound, besides it got worse anyways.

Do not confuse the lack of an event with the lack of risk. A small leak alone produced a 8217 microsieverts rise at the front gate from a steam leak out of the torus.

No it's based on the fact that the country is run by people who base their decisions on lessons from a 2000 year old book rather than fact.

His article was written days ago. Try a real source like WNN or the like not some Astronomy website.

If it hadn't fallen from the 400 millisieverts it was at it would have been a serious problem, but they suspect that spike was from the fire which they put out.

They were exposed meaning they were not being cooled because they had no water to cool it with.

The fuel rods were completely exposed for 2 hours after they had accidentally let the reservoir of sea water drain mid-day yesterday... They have since then been playing a game trying to refill it, release pressure, refill, release pressure. Last I read it still wasn't refilled and every time they release steam they

I completely agree.

Problem is the people that used to charge it up and buy all of this crap no longer have credit to do so. It isn't an issue of the people not wanting to spend it, it's the fact that they lack credit to do so and since they have no clue how cash works and savings it only makes matters worse.